Senior Squid
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- Aug 1, 2015
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- jason1637
Ver. 2.0.0 [8/5/2015 planned distribution] – 610MB download
Addition of Tag Match
Addition of Tag Match
- Adding a mode where you, together with a group of friends, can join and play ranked matches with other groups in “Tag Match” mode.
- As for ranked battles, you must be level 10+ to participate.
- After linking up with friends, you can then link up with your friends’ friends.
- In the case you want to join only with specific friends, please use the option to set a password.
- Regarding opponents in Tag Match mode, you will only be matched with similarly-playing opponents in Tag Match mode.
- Players playing ranked battles, you may not compete with players playing Tag Match mode.
- You may play Tag Match mode with 4, 3, or 2 players.
- Groups of 3 may play against groups of 4. In this situation, the group of 3 will respawn faster, as the side with only three is at a disadvantage.
- In the situation you are playing in a group of 2, you can be matched with three other groups of 2 to play a “2 group of 2 vs. 2 groups of 2″ battle.
- Adding a Private Match mode where you can play with your friends using whatever rules, stages, and team divisions you like.
- After linking up with friends, you can then link up with your friends’ friends.
- In the times you want to participate only with specific friends, please use the option to set a password.
- After linking up with friends, you can then link up with your friends’ friends.
- You may now level up to level 50.
- Once you have reached level 20 and have listened to the explanation in the lobby, the level cap will be raised.
- You are now able to rank up to the S and S+ ranks.
- You may raise your rank to S and S+ in Ranked Match (you may not do so in Tag Matches).
- Once reaching rank S or S+, victories or defeats in Tag Matches will not affect your rank.
- The method for calculating rank points (+/- 10, 8, 12, etc.) has been modified.
- If your rank changes while in the middle of playing ranked battles, you will be sent back to the lobby.
- New gear will be added, which can be bought from the shops at random.
- New BGM (background music) will be added, which can be heard at random while in battle.
- In calculating the final results, the winning percentage points (weight) has been changed from 2x to 4x.
- Urchin Underpass: All modes (i.e. Turf War, Splat Zones, Tower Control), large-scale terrain changes.
- Saltspray Rig: Tower Control mode, adjusting certain stage elements.
- Arowana Mall: Splat Zones mode, adjusting certain stage elements.
- Kelp Dome: Splat Zones and Tower Control modes, adjusting certain stage elements.
- Moray Towers: Splat Zones and Tower Control modes, adjusting certain stage elements.
- Inkzooka: Increased the points of turf inked needed to fill the special gauge from 180p to 220p.
- Echolocator: Increased the points of turf inked needed to fill the special gauge from 180p to 200p.
- Killer Wail (the Japanese name for this one is megaphone laser. oh my god.) : Decreased the points of turf inked needed to fill the special gauge from 180p to 160p.
- In both cases these are the numbers without the “Special Charge Up” gear ability.
- Splash Wall: The problem of a bomb directly hitting Splash Wall and the damage range not being calculated correctly in rare cases has been fixed.
- Tenacity: Special Gauge will now start filling at the start of a match (rather than before the match begun) if there is a disparity between the number of players on teams. (thanks /u/pandapanpanda, the language in this one and the one below were a bit difficult to figure out)
- Special Charge Up: When wearing a lot of Special Charge Up gear, there is a more consistent increase when inking ground. There was a slight difference in the special gauge increase when inking ground little by little versus inking ground a lot at a time. It now increases an amount proportional to the area inked regardless to the method of inking.
- The Inkstrike can now be better heard from the left, right, and behind.
- Some of the long-ranged weapons’ hit sounds will now be easier to hear from farther away.
- Other adjustments to the game have been made so players may have a more pleasant experience.