Squadalapod Update #4: August is upon us.


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Jun 6, 2015
The Squidhole
tfw you opened your groups page and suddenley remembered that you have an update to do

Greetings, fellow inklings! KTKres here with abother Squadalapod Update.

The whole premise here is that everyone can publicly see what we're up to as a team. Feel free to comment below (that is, if you can. I'm not exactly sure if you have to be part of a group to comment in a group thread.

As for now, @ehitburns will be participating in the Ink or Sink tournament under Inkopolis Underground A. Not to big of news, just something to be aware of. I will certainly be hosting and watching all of the Twitch streams I can over the coming few weeks. My internet is just good enough to do that.

@Light Brand was originally going to be on IUA too, but he pulled out just recently.

Ummmm....I don't think there's anything else major. When the August update comes out, be sure to look out for 4 players under the names Elliot, Hunter, IU | LightBrand, and KTK. We'll be out in squad battles soon!

Think that's all. Hope to see you on the battlefield! (just stay off of our turf. That's an order!)

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