Sub Weapon & Ability Suggestions


Senior Squid
Oct 16, 2020
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Secondary Sub Weapons:

-These are small weapons that shoot or project ink. (compliment main weapons like traditional subs)

-To pull out a secondary, players will press the sub weapon button. (R) Firing a secondary will be done by pressing ZR. Pressing the sub button again (R) will put a secondary away.

-Just as throw/deploy oriented sub weapons have sub-lines which determine their ratios of usage, secondaries also have sub-lines, which will determine when they can be pulled out and used, and how long they can be used for. (can put secondary away early to save ink)

-The start-up/end-lag of these sub weapons are from pulling a secondary out and away, contrary to other subs where the frame delay comes from the time it takes to throw out/deploy a sub weapon. The rate of fire determines any additional frames per shot.

Precision Throw Sub Weapons:

-A sub weapon category that comprises of hand throwing projectile weapons.

-These sub-weapons are difficult to land on players, but with enough practice users can land hits on opponents.

-With most precision throw sub weapons, missing a target in any way will result in an alternative effect astray from critical hit damage values achieved by landing the projectile on an enemy. These effects consist of some form of offensive or defensive ability to opponents/teammates on the stage, such as healing, slowing players down, etc. (these abilities are AOE oriented in most cases, as projectiles that miss create the effects/defects)

-An idea of a precision throw sub weapon as a concept would be something along the lines of an angle shooter.


Splatting an opponent refills a small portion of the user’s ink tank.

Special Depletion: Decreases special gauge points to opponents splatted by the user.

Mystery Ability: Gives a random ability to the user at the start of every match.

Ink Retension: The rate of damage with stepping in the user’s ink will be increased. (opposite of ink resistance up basically)

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