The Dynamo Roller : a gear guide


Full Squid
Sep 3, 2016
Ah , the Dynamo Roller
The beauty of the product from combining a Charger and a Roller (or a Roller and a motor , but whatever)
The ruler of SZ
And here's a gear guide for the Dynamo Roller
A standard gear set for a Dynamo (Standard) is:


So start with Squid Nordic (Skalop , gives quick respawn) which has the Ability Comeback :ability_comeback: , it increases some of your abilities after re-spawning. And there is X3 Quick re-spawn :ability_quickrespawn: since you'll be trading a lot so when you trade you'll be less of a debt to your team.

Next is the Basic Tee :clothes_first: (Squidforce , gives Dmg up) which is given to you at the start of the game. It has the quick re-spawn main so (again) you'll be less of a debt to your team. And with Damage up :ability_damage: you can increase the 'sweet spot' (killing area , which is any ink flung from the centre of the roller) , though it is mainly used on Carbons and even less on Splat Rollers it stills works a treat.

Next are the Choco Clogs :shoes_sdl001: ( Krak-on , gives Swim Speed) . Again the whole 'less of a debt to your team after dying or trading with quick re-spawn :ability_quickrespawn:. and X3 :ability_swimspeed: , you never know - Swim Speed will help you. Like when your chasing an enemy , or swimming back into the action.

Thanks for reading this Gear Guide,

Now read my Signature

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