The Future of Ackbar's Tanuki Army


Aug 7, 2015
Hey Fellow Tanuki!

So far, we've been mostly finding out who's online at the same time and trying to play together. Now that our group is [officially] just over two weeks old and we're involved in the upcoming Booyah Tournament, I think it's time we started organizing regular practice and meeting times. There are a few topics I would like to discuss with the group:
  • Do we want to recruit an 8th person?
    • If so, should we look for someone with specific main weapons?
  • What can we do to discuss and practice effective team strategies?
  • When and how often should we practice?
  • Do we want to get ourselves involved in SquidBoards skirmishes?
  • Should we establish a team leader/captain?
I propose we hold a Skype meeting tomorrow, Sunday, August 23rd @ 6:30 PM EDT to discuss these things and perhaps other topics concerning our team. I want to get as many members of our team on at the same time, so if this time is not going to work for you, please propose a new time and we'll figure out when we can all get on to talk about the team.

Stay Fresh!

EDIT: Changed meeting time from 6:00 to 6:30
Last edited:
Aug 10, 2015
First off, thank you for posting this! I think we can all agree that we are compatible with each other, or we wouldn't still be playing and hanging out with one another. That being said, I'm down to make this more "official" and start doing something with the time we're spending together. I'm not saying we need to get intense about it, but I think since we are signed up for a tournament and talking about engaging in Squidboards skirmishes, that's really saying something about our group.

I can definitely get behind establishing a day(s) and time(s) when we all get together to practice and discuss strategies, weaknesses, strengths, etc. We can figure this out tomorrow when we have our team meeting over Skype. I would like us to be accountable to it as well (For example, if someone can't make it, let us know ahead of time. Radio silence sucks).

I would also like to try and find an 8th player. It makes sense as Splatoon favors the number 4 and it would be good to try and find another play style that works for our team. I'm sure between all of our friends list we have some suitable candidates.

I'm down to discuss a team leader as well (whether we choose one or not) I think it's a conversation we should have.

Thanks again for taking initiative Nate!


Senior Squid
May 9, 2015
I'm up for an 8th person; that seems to be the sweet spot between being too big or too small. I'm all up for practicing/forming strategies. I don't want it to be too stressful though (keep the atmosphere light with the intent to become better). I think the skirmishes would be a lot of fun.

Personal stuff:
  • I'm planning on moving in a couple of weeks (I moved in with my parents till I found a job; found a job, now I'm moving out). This will make it easier for me to adjust my schedule.
  • Sorry I'm missing the tournament. Hope I can make the next one.
  • I should be able to make the Skype call tomorrow, though I might be a couple minutes late (6:30 EST might make it a bit easier).


Aug 7, 2015
I should be able to make the Skype call tomorrow, though I might be a couple minutes late (6:30 EST might make it a bit easier).
Would anyone be opposed to moving the call to 6:30 PM EDT?

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