Thoughts on splatlings post Quag's SBBB tournament


Full Squid
Oct 27, 2024
Wiper's house
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Splatlings haven't ever been a class a play a lot. They kinda just... existed. But after playing only Heavy edit splatling (and a little zimi at the start, but i got off that fast) for over a week straight, I will now give my thoughts on this class.

Soon after everyone on Anything Big confirmed we would all be able to play in @QuagSass 's SquidBoards Birthday Bash, we all wanted to run quad splatling. Ngl, this was daunting as @Azhdarcho was the only one with any real splatling experience. We soon figured out our comp, vHydra, Nautilus 79 (and 47, though played less), Hedit, and vMini/Zimi. From here we basically stuck with this comp, and very rarely switched weapons (except quad hydra. HAIL HYDRA). I was very nervous to play Hedit because I'm not used to having to aim so much more precisely (part of the reason I main wiper and RB is because they can make up for my weaknesses). The biggest reasons I stayed Hedit was because of cooler and it's midrange.. range. I could spam 5-6 coolers per game and still be valiuable to my team while having a skill issue. Part of the reason I couldn't play mini well was because of it's short range. I do not ever think of splatlings as anything but mid to long range, so it confused me and made me push waaay to far up then needed. And anyway, we didn't need me on mini, @Azure ST did so much better. And even though we didn't win (shoutout to Octo Airlines, that set was insane) i felt sooo much better with Hedit today then I did a week ago. And honestly, I might even add Hedit to my pool of weapons so that @isaac4 doesn't have to always play nTri lol.

So my thoughts on splatlings now?
Screenshot 2024-11-30 3.56.48 PM.png
It only goes up a tier, but I have a lot more respect for people who play them.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
My mentality during the preparation for the tournament was a lot different since I was already confident that we could do well after our first performance.
I wanted to be a lot more casual for this one though which is part of the reason why we ended up going quad splatling.
I knew the decision would naturally put us at a disadvantage but the idea sounded fun and in theme with the tournament so why not?
It also opened up the opportunity to try and form a new comp which is a process I've learned from playing in DzNutsKup that I do actually enjoy.
The original plan was to go double Mini but @LemonBoy wanted to try out Edit so we stuck to that instead which ended up working out. I wasn't too sure what I was going to pick at first but I've had some slight interest in Nautilus before so I figured this was the perfect excuse to practice it and I'm glad I did because it fit the slayer role that I play with most of my other weapons
Outside of comp building and general practice (Open had terrible rotations every time we got on) I also created some builds so we had an idea for what we were working with. I even tested some of them out myself.
We also knew that we wanted to try out quad Hydra so we practiced it for a couple of games until taking it out in bracket but only for Zones since that seemed to work best. Were we potentially throwing a game every time we went with it? Maybe but a Quag splatling tournament wouldn't feel right without quad Hydra.
There's not a lot else for me to say besides the fact that I'm glad that everyone else on my team had fun. I think we could have done much better even with all splatlings but sometimes stuff happens and you end up in a lobby where everyone but @youre_a_squib_now is playing Hydra.

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