Tower Control Tips?


Inkster Jr.
Jun 15, 2015
I've been playing splatoon basically nonstop for a while now, but no matter what I do, I always end up losing ranks when tower control is in rotation. I can pull my weight in rainmaker and splatzones is easily my best mode, so are there any general tips you guys can give me? If it makes a difference, I main tentatek and dynamo. Thanks in advance guys!!


Increases the Excitement
Apr 23, 2015
New Jersey
Specials that force the opponent off the tower like Inkstrike, Kraken, and Kill Wail are useful. When you use those you force the opponent into a Morton's Fork situation: Either get off the tower or eat the attack and die, but either way they'll lose control. Keep in mind that with Inkstrike you have to plan ahead, while with Kraken you have to be cautious with knockback (especially over water or pits).

Sub weapons like the Ink Mine and Ink Wall are also useful. Ink Mine can be used as insurance when the opponent gets on the tower, while Ink Wall can protect you from fire while you cruise through the stages.

With Dynamo it's most useful for clearing away crowds because of the huge range it has. When on the tower you should use it to pressure the opponent with your ink splattering so they're at a safe distance, while off the tower you should try to use it to either force people off the tower or keep up the pressure so they don't get close. But remember that due to the long wind up with the swings you should have a partner to compensate for that, like a generic Shooter user.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 15, 2015
There is a similar thread about this here:

That thread has tons of good posts/tips on it, but i'll give you a quick overview.

-Don't always go for the knockout, sometimes the best way to win is just prevent them from beating your score.

-Since you main Dynamo, I highly suggest never getting on the tower unless absolutely necessary. Your job should really be covering turf around the tower to prevent ambushes. Defensive play is probably your best option.

-That being said, if you desperately need to get the lead, jump on the tower regardless of what is happening. It is better for your team to constantly die as someone pushes the tower 1-3 points to get the lead, then not get on the tower and lose. If your entire team dies on the enemies side of the map, it's okay because they can't push the tower fast enough to really take advantage of the situation.

-Generally you want to play more offensive weapons in Solo Queue, as you can't really afford to get a super defensive team. Since you also main the Tentatek, I would suggest using this more often than your Dynamo. Unlike Splat Zones you can directly carry a team to victory. You can have an awful team in Tower Control and still win because you got the kills necessary to make a push. If you find the Tentatek isn't work I suggest using a Blaster/shorter ranged Roller.

-With all gamemodes, territory control is key. Always, ALWAYS cover turf around the tower. Even when the Tower is in neutral, make sure you cover the turf in front of the path before you push.

-Unlike almost every other gamemode, you want to Super Jump in this mode. Why? Because as stated previously getting 1-3 points for your team can make the difference that you need to gain the lead.

-Don't be dumb, avoid pushing the tower unless you have at least a 1 man advantange, but really you should get a 2 man advantage.

-Something a lot of people don't use: You don't have to ride the tower back to the middle, all you have to do is get on it once and get off for it to move back. Often times people don't do this, and it's painful when they get shot down because they rode the tower to mid. You can see if your enemy does this by looking at the tower icon (where it shows the scores) to see if the enemy is riding the tower. If they aren't, you don't have to shoot on the tower cautiously when the tower is returning to mid from their side.


Inkster Jr.
Jun 15, 2015
Thanks for the feedback guys!! What I've noticed is I actually do fairly well on most tower control stages, but I tend to always lose on stages like Camp Triggerfish where the tower goes over water and there's no real middle ground (Bluefin Depot is like this too). Any tips for this stage? I haven't won a single match on this stage in the past two days so I'm kinda desperate here, haha.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 15, 2015
Thanks for the feedback guys!! What I've noticed is I actually do fairly well on most tower control stages, but I tend to always lose on stages like Camp Triggerfish where the tower goes over water and there's no real middle ground (Bluefin Depot is like this too). Any tips for this stage? I haven't won a single match on this stage in the past two days so I'm kinda desperate here, haha.
For those maps, you definitely want to focus on getting the lead and holding it more than anything else. Even by TC standards, those maps are incredibly hard to get knockouts on. I think I've gotten knockouts a total of 4-5 times total for these maps. For Camp Triggerfish, you basically want to team wipe the opposing team, then get as close to their spawn as possible, and at all costs prevent them from going up the wall to the other side of the map. Personally if my special is Inkzooka, I try to avoid getting on the tower, as Inkzooka is so good for defending the tower on CT. For Triggerfish and Bluefin, don't be afraid to hop off the tower (if you are forced to ride it) and defend it yourself. However only do this if you see an enemy coming, if the enemy is already there you will most likely lose the fight.

For Bluefin, you just gotta grind it out until you get the lead. On this map you definitely need your team defending the tower and just getting those "baby step" points. If you team wiped the enemy, try to make sure either you, or your team mate (if this is twin squad) can use an Inkzooka/Inkstrike to cover you. Idealistically when you just reach their "base" area (when you go up the wall). Most leads are held by this area, usually in the center of that base area, where there is the wall behind you, and the center platform sticking out. I think the score number is 40ish? It also helps to get Suction Bombs because every approach to the tower is from above you.

This isn't map speicfic, but don't be afraid to pre-fire people on TC, as most people will approach the tower from the same spots over and over. In case you don't know, pre-firing is basically just shooting at an area/place without anyone there, because you are predicting that someone will move directly into your fire as you shoot there.

Random Robot

Inkster Jr.
Jul 1, 2015
1o2 already said pretty much everything, but something I would suggest since it helped me so much for TC, is trying out the .52 Gallon. I feel like it's easily one of the best weapons for this mode, since Ink Walls are amazing giving you safety while you're on the tower by bouncing it off nearby walls to land it on the tower, and the Killer Wail is amazing as a last defense or offense, since it clears out an area or locks down the opponents spawn, and works very well on water levels like Camp Triggerfish or Bluefin Depot, because if you get in the right position, it either splats everyone on the tower, or they freak out and jump in the water. The gun itself is pretty similar to the Splattershot, so I don't think it would be too big of a change.


Inkster Jr.
Jun 15, 2015
Thank you all (esp. 1o2) for your good advice guys!! I think I will try out the .52 Gal, since I haven't used it that much and it's evidently an extremely good weapon.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 16, 2015
Suctions, Splash Walls, and Burst Bombs are great for Tower Control play. The number of splats I've gotten from sticking Suctions on the pillar on the tower are amazing.


Is Splatoon an E-Sport or just a meme?
May 13, 2015
I've been playing splatoon basically nonstop for a while now, but no matter what I do, I always end up losing ranks when tower control is in rotation. I can pull my weight in rainmaker and splatzones is easily my best mode, so are there any general tips you guys can give me? If it makes a difference, I main tentatek and dynamo. Thanks in advance guys!!
Try using the custom blaster. It is REDICLIOUSLY easy to be successful with it and it destroys everything.


Full Squid
Jul 29, 2015
Try using the custom blaster. It is REDICLIOUSLY easy to be successful with it and it destroys everything.
I have more luck with the Luna Blaster because of it's wider blast radius that explodes over a short distance. I was able to use this to win when getting squished between a bunch of nonsense and the moving tower. I would shoot straight up in the air/at the tower, wiping out anyone who was on it. This works with the Custom Blaster too, but you have to be further away and I'm a person who likes to get in people's face. (But more actually because of the ink mines I put a thousand times on the tower, it's hilarious)

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