Inkling Cadet
I've mostly been a casual player since I got splooon but since I've gotten better, I want to get involved in competitive. What is the best way to do this?
That comment was a joke... While I am religious, I don't try and force it onto other people who aren't interested. Everyone has the right to their own opinion whether I agree with it or not.Read the below post.
Resources for the Competitive Scene: Finding/Making a Team
If you're wanting to go competitive with this game, odds are that you're wanting to find a team, or consistent group of players, to practice and improve or have fun with. These are a couple places to get started looking, and also thinking about things that will help your team not have glaring...squidboards.com
That said, I feel the need to warn you. You seem quite religious, if that "pagan" comment is anything to go by. It's worth noting that there's quite a large LGBTQ+ presence in the Splatoon community - which makes sense, a game with characters that constantly shapeshift and adapt with minimal gender constraints (aside from the boring clothing options) is going to attract people.
Not going to assume anything about you, but if you're the type of religious person who cannot tolerate the above, you're going to have a rough time.
Aight that makes sense. ThanksHere's the thing. You might have intended it as a joke, but there's a great many people out there these days who would say such things in complete seriousness, and would see your comment and completely agree with the idea if they're not actively doing it already. So if you don't actually feel that way, no worries, but it's not a good look.