What is the meaning of life?


Inkling Commander
Feb 3, 2016
United States
Her / she
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Is it to live, is it to praise god? is it to enjoy a life? is it to play video games, explore, learn, talk, or just to adventure the world?


Full Squid
Apr 26, 2016
I'm a catholic so honestly I would say some stuff like that. Like to live in the lords image and all that. It could be though.
Mar 18, 2016
In My Own Mind, Eating Cupcakes
Honestly, I think the 'meaning of life' is what we make of it. We live our lives with what we are given, and we choose our own path. We are a mix of Nurture and Nature, so that shapes who we are and how we live. We either let others control us, or we take charge and lead our own lives.

Sure, death is unexpected at times, but up to that point it's a culmination of various events that end up making it our 'last moments'. It's never a 'coincidence', despite there being such a thing as 'accidents'. So yes, crashing into someone on the street is our fault, but we have to learn from that and become stronger so it doesn't happen again. But then again, some just aren't that strong...I sympathize with them, and try to become stronger myself so I can maybe help others from making the same mistakes.

Basically....life is just as it is. No matter what we believe, life is always the same. We all are born, live, experience, then die.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 29, 2015
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Eat, sleep, die. Everything else is either bonus or a means to get to that point. I'd honestly say praising a god would be a complete waste of time, but i know some people do find some fulfillment out of that, so do you i suppose. Either way life is meaningless if you ask me. One coincidence after the other made human beings too intelligent for their own good so we're constantly questioning a lot of things. That led to some good of course, with science constantly discovering new ways our universe works and advancements that made our lives much easier. But it also led to some more questionable things, like people seeking meaning in their lives where there honestly and religion. This question mostly revolves around whether or not we were brought here by a being of higher power, intelligence and beyond our understanding of everything around us. If we were, than maybe there is something more to this life thing, since there's probably an afterlife or reincarnation to look forward to. If not, well than, there's really nothing else after death. Death is the end and nothing else follows. I follow this philosphy myself since, well for one i don't believe in god or any kind of deity and/or afterlife and second because it makes me want to make the most of my life while i still have it. i have all these things called feelings and emotions, might as well use them while i still got time. I know i could do things things while also praising a god, but i've just never seen or experienced anything that would make me say "hey, maybe there is a god". So yeah. Just do what you feel like doing honestly. There really is no point in seeking meaning in something so trivial. Just enjoy life the way you want to enjoy it. Unless you enjoy being a serial killer or anything else that disrupts and hurts the well being of others, please don't do that. I'm not very good at rambling honestly o_O

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