Why was my thread closed?!

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Senior Squid
May 16, 2016
...And I was told to "keep it civil" when I was the one being attacked by other members?

This board is pissing me off. One of the worst experiences I had on internet forums. Aside from two members who are actually very polite, the others were basically bullying me and insinuating things about me.

I don't want to be around people like that because I came here in peace. But it seems like even the moderation agrees with this kind of attitude from other members.

I demand an explanation.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
As far as I could tell, "keep it civil" was directly speaking to some other members who were just making unhelpful remarks and turning the thread into an incoherent mess (hence why the thread was locked after a string of posts that weren't your own). I'm relatively new here but, from what I've seen, I don't think the moderation team would do something that malicious to attack an individual. The thread was closed because, regardless of who was to blame, it came to a point where anything resembling a reasoned debate fell apart and so the value of the discussion was lost.


Senior Squid
May 16, 2016
Hm, maybe it was a misunderstanding.

I'm falling down too fast now and I think I'll just stop playing Splatoon.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 29, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I think the problem was that you posted your thread in the wrong forum and that you didn't specify that you only wanted to squad. You should've posted it to the Squid Locator forums, which is specifically for squadding and such.

The thread placement and the way you worded out your initial post also made it seem (not saying it is) like you wanted advice, where as of course that wasn't the case. You should've started with something along the lines of "i need someone to squad with because my teammates are unreliable" or something along those lines. Of course you did say that afterwards, but saying it earlier would've prevented whatever happened in that thread and preventing it from being locked. As to why it was locked. Eh. Beats me.


Jun 9, 2016
I had a really good time reading your other post TC. So much I went ahead and created an account after lurking to let you know! I like seeing someone devolve into a crying baby, it's fun!

To answer your question I would think the topic was closed because you asked for it to be and it became a toxic thread. As the mod stated earlyer (s)he was keeping it open for the tips. When it became mostly people digging on you it was closed.

I am glad to hear your considering giving up splatoon. Just think, if more players with terrible strategic abilities like you quit the rest of us won't get so frustrated with players who have little weapon and board knowledge.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
May 10, 2015
1. You're too damn salty.
2. Assuming your'e an adult at the age 26, grow up. You're meant to take losses in life.
3. This is the truth.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
I think the problem was that you posted your thread in the wrong forum and that you didn't specify that you only wanted to squad. You should've posted it to the Squid Locator forums, which is specifically for squadding and such.

The thread placement and the way you worded out your initial post also made it seem (not saying it is) like you wanted advice, where as of course that wasn't the case. You should've started with something along the lines of "i need someone to squad with because my teammates are unreliable" or something along those lines. Of course you did say that afterwards, but saying it earlier would've prevented whatever happened in that thread and preventing it from being locked. As to why it was locked. Eh. Beats me.
Yeah, I took a quick peek and saw the title. It's too general and people will see it as asking for advice, not a squad partner. I haven't seen too much of it, but it ended in a big fight, then I can see it being closed.
EDIT: I just scrolled down some and someone said that you asked for it to be locked. So there you go.


...And I was told to "keep it civil" when I was the one being attacked by other members?

This board is pissing me off. One of the worst experiences I had on internet forums. Aside from two members who are actually very polite, the others were basically bullying me and insinuating things about me.

I don't want to be around people like that because I came here in peace. But it seems like even the moderation agrees with this kind of attitude from other members.

I demand an explanation.
There is no way anyone can possibly be a stupid as you...

Please ask for a moderator to close this thread and deactivate my account, I'm not coming here anymore.
I didn't come here to get bullied. How do I close this topic? Is there a moderator online?
Can someone help me to contact a moderator to close this thread and delete my account? I don't wanna deal with this any longer.
You demand an explanation? Even though you specifically asked 3 times? Get a life.


Oct 10, 2015
Bit of advice from someone who moderates a fairly large site, it's normally better to enquire with mods privately then make a thread dedicated to calling out their decision making.


Good TOs are Capitalists
May 20, 2015
...And I was told to "keep it civil" when I was the one being attacked by other members?

This board is pissing me off. One of the worst experiences I had on internet forums. Aside from two members who are actually very polite, the others were basically bullying me and insinuating things about me.

I don't want to be around people like that because I came here in peace. But it seems like even the moderation agrees with this kind of attitude from other members.

I demand an explanation.

This isn't really the way I'd recommend going to get an explanation for a topic being locked. It would have been better to just PM a mod (Like me).

It is very possible other people were the cause of it getting locked if it went in a horrible direction, or that you and others were to blame. I didn't actually see the post so I could not tell you. As far as I'm concerned it's water under the bridge now, but if you want to PM me the topic I can certainly get back to you on it.

However, I am locking this particular topic after this post. In the future do not make this sort of thing, or I will dole out warnings and further punishments. Besides potentially causing a huge amount of in topic drama, you will also encourage ugly replies from other users and start flame wars. It cannot go in a good direction for you or anyone. And to those users inflaming the issue, and you know who you are, it would have been a lot better for everyone involved if you'd instead ignored this topic.
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