Wiper & getting out of a+


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Ive been in a+ for a while playing almost only vwipe. and Ive just found it super hard - whenever i’ve played other weapons like splat dualies or either stamper it’s so much easier. I really love wiper but I’ve found it super demoralising to play and idk whether it’s time to drop it or change weapons. I have also been stuck in a+ and just find it impossible to rank up. any tips for either of these things would be appreciated! much love


Mar 7, 2023
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I had this problem too. I really don’t know how it all works. I failed my rank-up series multiple times with the wiper. It’s gotta be Murphy’s law or something because when I went with something else I went 3-0 to rank up.


The Eternal Dualie Squelchers User
Jan 30, 2024
Chicago, Illinois
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Ive been in a+ for a while playing almost only vwipe. and Ive just found it super hard - whenever i’ve played other weapons like splat dualies or either stamper it’s so much easier. I really love wiper but I’ve found it super demoralising to play and idk whether it’s time to drop it or change weapons. I have also been stuck in a+ and just find it impossible to rank up. any tips for either of these things would be appreciated! much love
What exactly are you struggling with wiper? I secondary wiper but I can't really offer advice since I don't know what you struggle with.


Senior Squid
Jan 30, 2024
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Ive been in a+ for a while playing almost only vwipe. and Ive just found it super hard - whenever i’ve played other weapons like splat dualies or either stamper it’s so much easier. I really love wiper but I’ve found it super demoralising to play and idk whether it’s time to drop it or change weapons. I have also been stuck in a+ and just find it impossible to rank up. any tips for either of these things would be appreciated! much love
I play WIper and im S+8, 2100XP. I can give you advice but IDK what your struggle with. So why do you think you're stuck i A+?


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
it sounds like im just blaming my team but rank up games genuinely just match me with the worst of the worst. i can typically carry well enough but its to the point where ive just given up


Senior Squid
Jan 30, 2024
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it sounds like im just blaming my team but rank up games genuinely just match me with the worst of the worst. i can typically carry well enough but its to the point where ive just given up
the best advice i can give to this is, the one thing all your rank-ups have in common is you where in them. Look at the mistakes you made. When did you or didn't you take space? When did you pop special ad how did you use it, where you aware of the other players during the match?


Full Squid
May 25, 2023
United States
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I am also a v wiper main in a+ atm. (I also main the splats/enperries, the other splatanas, and carbon deco) I have a few mains that make it easier for me to have fun and not get board with just one main. It also allows me to be more flexible for when I get on a team. I used to be S and pretty much blew through that and was like 3 points away from my rank up battle to S+, but due to irl circumstances, I ended up not being able to play the game for like 6 months. I came back about 2 months ago to get back to playing, but I was so rusty and playing like a B rank player. I've been working to get better lol. I am stuck in A+ rn but practicing a lot, I am still getting better! I am hoping once I can get at least back to where I was, and I know that what happened before isn't going to happen again in the near future, I am hoping to find a team for myself and continue improving! (If God doesn't lead me other wise this is what I'm thinking I will do) It helps that here I have already been getting some advice from some other competitive players that are higher levels than myself! I'm not sure if I have any good advice I can give for myself but I say if your really not liking the splatana wiper and its not letting you have fun in the game anymore then put it down and/or try something else! Also I guess continue to work hard and maybe look at higher players gameplay/analyze your own!


Aug 18, 2017
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Welcome to Squidboards! Now, I cannot say I personally play wiper, but I currently coach a LUTI D9 team that has a wiper player.

Wiper’s purpose is to distract and kite the enemy around in as annoying of a matter as possible. You basically want to be a big annoying buzzing fly that‘s super mobile, threatens damage from fairly safe/somewhat risky positions, and be able to create openings for your team in this way. Despite this, I would say it is somewhat of a harder weapon and role to fulfill than, say, a Splattershot. You need to have good understanding of your spacing and what areas of the map are available for you to take and threaten versus what is too risky to do, even as a wiper.

Of course, everyone’s playstyles differ and your mileage may vary. It’s hard to tell you what directly to improve if no one’s seen your gameplay before. Do you use the Replay Code feature? Please post your Replay Codes here so people can directly see your gameplay and we can tell you what you did great on and what needs a little adjustment :) Good luck getting out of A+!


The Eternal Dualie Squelchers User
Jan 30, 2024
Chicago, Illinois
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Wiper’s purpose is to distract and kite the enemy around in as annoying of a matter as possible. You basically want to be a big annoying buzzing fly that‘s super mobile, threatens damage from fairly safe/somewhat risky positions, and be able to create openings for your team in this way.
I always call that being a "rat". You wanna scurry around and be as annoying as possible. Also to add on to your point, remember to use the vertical! A lot of low level wipers rely on the horizontal too much which has a slow kill time. Verticals both do more damage and they're also good zoning tools since they have deceptively longer range than one might think. A vertical combined with torpedo chip damage is a pretty deadly combo.


Senior Squid
Jan 31, 2024
:ability_bombsniffer: :D why not watch vods and imitate them
also do u use sticks or motion

and also why not post replay codes. so ppl can decide if you're feeding so bad or etc etc


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Im going to attach the codes for a few vids. theyre a bit old but i think theyre from my most recent rank up attempt. Ive chilled from splatoon recently for avoiding tilting and also life happening.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
I play WIper and im S+8, 2100XP. I can give you advice but IDK what your struggle with. So why do you think you're stuck i A+?
I would say i struggle with finding how to play it in soloq. i play it pretty aggro because i find that a lot of soloq players are much too cautious to a fault. i also find that wipers preferred playstyle skirmishing is really hard in soloq so i often end up playing more slayer. my theories for why i struggle is because i dont always know how i want to be playing the weapon and end up trying to do every role at once - objective, paint, slaying, and skirmishing. i also was wondering if i was pretty worn out because it was like the only weapon i played for aaaages. i dont really want to abandon it because i really adore the weapon even though ive had a hard time with it recently.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
What exactly are you struggling with wiper? I secondary wiper but I can't really offer advice since I don't know what you struggle with.
this is just a copy of a different reply and ive sent some replay codes if you were willing to watch them!
I would say i struggle with finding how to play it in soloq. i play it pretty aggro because i find that a lot of soloq players are much too cautious to a fault. i also find that wipers preferred playstyle skirmishing is really hard in soloq so i often end up playing more slayer. my theories for why i struggle is because i dont always know how i want to be playing the weapon and end up trying to do every role at once - objective, paint, slaying, and skirmishing. i also was wondering if i was pretty worn out because it was like the only weapon i played for aaaages. i dont really want to abandon it because i really adore the weapon even though ive had a hard time with it recently.


Senior Squid
Jan 30, 2024
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I would say i struggle with finding how to play it in soloq. i play it pretty aggro because i find that a lot of soloq players are much too cautious to a fault. i also find that wipers preferred playstyle skirmishing is really hard in soloq so i often end up playing more slayer. my theories for why i struggle is because i dont always know how i want to be playing the weapon and end up trying to do every role at once - objective, paint, slaying, and skirmishing. i also was wondering if i was pretty worn out because it was like the only weapon i played for aaaages. i dont really want to abandon it because i really adore the weapon even though ive had a hard time with it recently.
i feel like your issue here is you try to do too many things at once, i would say try and focus on slaying and objective play. Try also looking at the top of the screen and seeing whos alive and dead, if your at a numbers advantage use your mobility to push up ahead of your teammate and take space for your teammates


Feb 1, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Ive been in a+ for a while playing almost only vwipe. and Ive just found it super hard - whenever i’ve played other weapons like splat dualies or either stamper it’s so much easier. I really love wiper but I’ve found it super demoralising to play and idk whether it’s time to drop it or change weapons. I have also been stuck in a+ and just find it impossible to rank up. any tips for either of these things would be appreciated! much love
hi, im a high level (div 2-3) wiper player, and have been playing it since the start of the game. a while ago i made a guide on all the techs wiper can perform on twitter (ill probably post an updated version here on Squidboards at some point). it's a little outdated but all the info still holds up, i'd recommend you check it out. dodge dashing specifically long term will give you great results, but mainstrafing and enemy feet paint are things you can do right now that will massively improve your play:


as for stuff like positioning and role, keep in mind you don't do much damage but have great movement and poking potential. try to get into positions that are annoying for opponents and distracts them from your teammates or the objective. attacking from the sides or even behind is really important, just make sure you aren't locked in a corner in case you have to escape. use your speed when taking fights and go into them knowing that you'll be relying on your movement to dodge attacks and enemy feet paint to slow them down to win, not by outdamaging them most of the time. i have less experience playing wiper at the lower levels, since i only use it at high X power and in competitive scrims, but i hope there's something you can take away from this!!

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