Recent content by Hitzel

  1. Hitzel

    Convince Me v52 isn't Overpowered

    I thought Rapid was Nogami's favorite?
  2. Hitzel

    Dev's Approach to Patches

    Minor changes to unpopular and weak weapons tends to go wrong anyway. Many of Splat 2's most imbalanced weapons resulted from lots of random buffs to unpopular weapons over time. People would realize the weapon was strong like 2-3 buffs passed it already being good, so it was suddenly...
  3. Hitzel

    Convince Me v52 isn't Overpowered

    52 isn't overpowered compared to the rest of the weapons at the top, this game just has a lot of weapons in the lower tiers. Of course it looks OP compared to the lower tiers, any of the good weapons do. It's an SMG with a fast kill time and decent paint, but no splash damage and a mid...
  4. Hitzel

    LAN advice

    Re: the food and water stuff Missingno mentioned. Can't stress enough how important it is to eat and drink enough. Every time I go to a tournament with people new to it I have to force them to pack enough nourishment cause they never do the first time lol. I always pack extra beef jerky and...
  5. Hitzel

    What If Disruptors Came Back?

    Splat 1 barely had any weapons with Disruptor and the range to abuse it. The few that had it were super dangerous. Mini was the one that also got Bubble on top of being able to checkmate kill stunned opponents, which is why it was so insanely busted. Compare that to weapons like Tri Slosher...
  6. Hitzel

    What If Disruptors Came Back?

    Disruptor is probably the best sub weapon in the series. The power level of Splat 3 is lower than Splat 1 on top of that, so you'd need to be extremely careful about giving it to weapons that can take advantage of it. This would mean that putting it on the traditional Disruptor weapons like...
  7. Hitzel

    Splatoon 3 needs custom kits. Here's why

    I think I will be optimistic if S4 uses a custom kit system where each weapon gets a small number of subs and specials to choose from as opposed to something completely freeform. If most weapons get to choose between a bomb and a utility sub, then 3-4 specials that form some sort of cohesive...
  8. Hitzel

    Does Anyone Else Think Fizzbangs Might be Hell for Casual Players?

    Those folks will make this complaint with Fizzbangs. They will make this complaint without fizzbangs. They will make this complaint no matter what. There's nothing you can do to make them happy about it because it's how they deal with losing. It's therefore not worth pandering to them when...
  9. Hitzel

    What to do when you cannot play the rank the game puts you in.

    I mean honestly, just stop caring about losing and start caring about learning. Sometimes you're the hammer, and sometimes you're the nail. If you're fresh to the bottom of S+, you're gonna be the nail for a little bit. Just chill out, let the games happen. Try to pay more attention to...
  10. Hitzel

    Splatoon 3 needs custom kits. Here's why

    We are 2/3 for good kit implementation. I'd rather Splat 4 make that 3/4, we don't need to drastically change what the game is to solve a problem that we already know has less destructive solutions.
  11. Hitzel

    Anyone else Think Splatoon 3's Kits are the Worst in the Series?

    I don't think that the devs want weapons bad per say, more that they're trying as hard as they can to avoid introducing stuff that's too strong. I think that the kits have created a feedback loop. Because they kept making limited kits, the water level lowered. Because the water level lowered...
  12. Hitzel

    Anyone else Think Splatoon 3's Kits are the Worst in the Series?

    Splaton 1 had a lot of failed experiments at kits, especially among launch weapons. It was chaotic. That being said, very many things in Splat 1 were just powerful. Basically everything in Splat 1 with a few exceptions is faster, stronger, bigger, and overtuned compared to 2 and 3. Quick...
  13. Hitzel

    Anyone else Think Splatoon 3's Kits are the Worst in the Series?

    It seems that Splat 3 is designed with a philosophy of everything getting weak kits so that the game is "balanced" and so that "unfun players" can't impose "unfair strategies" on people who are playing "fair." The problem is too many good kits slipped through the cracks. Some stuff like Splash...
  14. Hitzel

    Why V52 breaks the core philosophy of Splatoon 3

    I don't think weapons need a built in weakness to be exploited. Giving weapons weaknesses like that is usually interesting and makes the game better, the design just needs to do a good job of combining that exploitable weakness(es) with unique and exploitable strengths. You don't want all...
  15. Hitzel

    Why V52 breaks the core philosophy of Splatoon 3

    I don't buy the premise that a selfish weapon doesn't have a place in this game. This is partially because the series is filled with selfish weapons, and those weapons serve a purpose to the team by being play-makers and controlling forward space. It's also because I think "forcing teamwork"...
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