What Weapons do you feel need Buffs or Nerfs and how would they change them?


May 26, 2016
I've been thinking about this because I feel the game is mostly fine except for a few outliers. If you disagree with one of my choices then please, just tell me how you use it and I'd be happy to adopt a new playstyle or try at an Achilles Heel. My only rule is be reasonable!

  • In need of Buffs
96 Gal - This weapon sure was full of salt in it's hay day huh?

Well, now I just feel bad for it, It's IMO the least useful of the Longest Range Tier Shooters. (Jet Squelcher, Dual Squelcher, Splattershot Pro, 96 Gal) It's main issue is that you can't really use it as a Long Range Weapon most of the time because of the combination of a giant spread and it's slow fire rate. I usually find myself either having to get super close to someone to actually hit them, or they come to me. When a Long Range Weapon can barely be used Long Range and is only less than decent close range you know there's a problem.

The only thing it really has going for it is the 2HKO but even then what's the point if you can't even hit them? Most of my shots with this weapon are Spray-and-Prays unless I'm 2 Inches away from them.

I forgot exactly what they did to it that made it go from Saber Tooth Tiger of Splatoon, to a Small Gnat, but whatever they did they need to fix it up good. At this point you'd be better off using either the Splattershot Pro or the 52 Gal.

H-3 Nozzlenose - Here we go, from a weapon that was a declawed, to a weapon that never really had claws of it's own in the first place.

I feel this weapon was ignored shortly after its release, there hasn't really been any Buff for it that I know of, but I feel it's in desperate need for one.

First off, it's so slow to use. Usually with the Nozzlenoses you won't kill in one go and for the H-3 (at least for me) is no exception. It's fire rate doesn't at all prepare for this. You shoot one round and your basically immobile for a second. You can't do anything within the time this is happening. I suppose this weapon has it's range as a helpful tool, (I think it has more range than the L-3 anyway) but it doesn't help that the shots the Nozzlenoses' shoots move hecka slow! This one is a better case than the 96 Gal I suppose, with a more spaced out playstyle and eagle eyed aim you can play well enough with it, but I feel this weapon should get a bit of acknowledgement. This weapon doesn't really give you an edge over weapons that outrange it. I just wish they could have a set for it that helps out with it's issues with close encounters. Sheldon's Picks Vol. 2? Naw, I wanted a new L-3 anyway. haha

This isn't all of the weapons that need buffs but these are the Main ones and/or the ones I can remember. Also some others I can't quiet put my finger on what's odd with them. (Jet Squelcher) :V

  • In need of Nerfs
Splattershot Pro - This one is basically a backwards 96 Gal but to s lesser extent. It was decent enough before but now it's pretty good. A bit too good though.

This weapon is probably the best of the Longest Range Tier Shooters. It has a great fire rate so it can't easily be picked off close range, it has well, one of the longest ranges so it's not outranged unless someone uses a Jet Squelcher (And I never see anyone use that) it has a decent speed while shooting so you're not a complete sitting duck while shooting, and it's not effected by Defense Up which means, it's always 3HKO Time!

It's so rounded that I feel it needs a weakness. Every weapon that's strong in one place is weak in another. I think the best thing for it would be to allow it to be effected by Defense Up. It wouldn't make it super weak but it would definitely be simple and help make the game more balanced. Either that or slow it's fire rate.

I'm fine if it gets a Defense Up nerf because even if it's long range and takes good aim, it still has potential where you can play it like any other shooter. Unlike the Jet Squelcher, it doesn't have to stray too much from the normal "shoot and advance" tactic. The Jetneeds to abuse it's range. It's easy to take out close range. The Splattershot Pro doesn't have this issue to that extent. It can take care of itself in almost all situations. It's probably the most well rounded weapon I've seen. It has no specific weakness really. It's fine Long Range, it's fine Close Range.

Rollers - This one is very minor, but if they added this, this would be amazing for making Rollers less privileged. Rollers need to make louder sounds.

I did say it this was minor correct?

I feel I get randomly rolled over and flicked to death by Rollers all the time because there's no warning to them. Every other weapon has it's own distinct sound, but Rollers are just mostly silent. They do make a sound, but you can't really hear it over the music usually and it's not at all easy to pinpoint.

52 Gal - What's with all the callbacks to the 96?! Oh wait, I misheard... Oh yes! the 52 Gal!

This one is the worst of it IMO. It's the lowst TTK Shooter. Which is fine so long as there's a catch, but nope, just point and kill. Sometimes, just move the gyro around and you get splats. The best way to deal with this would be to give it slightly less range. I don't think it should be on par with the Splattershot. If the weapon is such a quick killer they should need to get closer to kill. Every other weapon type follows this rule. Close combat oriented weapons need a fast TTK, but this thing is Mid Range by Shooter Weapon standards. If it's on par with the Splattershot then it's just a Slow Splattershot that kills in an fourth of a second. It's range should be between a the Splattershot and the Sploosh. So maybe like instead of shooting up to the 3rd Line in the shooting range, (I think that's where the Splattershot clocks in) maybe it should shoot up to the 2nd Line and a Half.

Wow, that was a wall. haha. What do you guys think? Any addons or dissagreements? I'm all ears, just tell me, I really want to hear your ideas! My only rule is "Be Reasonable!"


May 26, 2016
I think the dynamo needs a lot of nerfs. It. Covers so much turf and it has such a long range for a one hit kill. Furthermore, it has such a large hitbox that will kill you in one hit. It feels like getting hit by a truck.


Full Squid
May 11, 2015
United States
I've always felt that the Sploosh should get a buff; nothing major, just a slight run speed increase like the Nzap so it could actually have some sort of niche. As it is now, it's basically a Splattershot with a fifth of the range, worse sub and an arguably worse special depending on which kit of both weapon families that's being discussed


Inkling Cadet
Jun 7, 2015
this is an odd thing for a buff/nerf but i was reminded when you brought up how sudden rollers are with their silence.

a while back, chargers were nerfed into being more noisy. while i think this was a great change for the most part, i can't help but feel like it screwed over squiffers a little bit who have a really hard time if swarmed and not enough range to keep the enemies they see out of their risk zone. it's especially troublesome given that the squiffer has a very unique sound that gives them away.

i don't want them to change the sound of the squiffer (it's so satisfying), but i would like the squiffer to be a little quieter? (also a juuust slightly faster charge since apparently nintendo is unwilling to make make damage up ineffective on charge time for eliters/splat chargers)


May 26, 2016
i don't want them to change the sound of the squiffer (it's so satisfying), but i would like the squiffer to be a little quieter? (also a juuust slightly faster charge since apparently nintendo is unwilling to make make damage up ineffective on charge time for eliters/splat chargers)
Good ideas. E-liters and splat chargers need to be needed for the squiffers to be viable.

While we are at it, they should need the splattershot. There is no need for it to have good range, dps, ink-coverage, mobility, and have a good kit. It can do everything and then some.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 10, 2016
One word: Lunas.
I actually haven't seen many lunas in a long time, and I don't know why. Because of that, they don't need a nerf. Weapons that need nerfs are ones that control the meta like the .96 deco did, or like the e-liter did and still does. The squiffer is one that would need a nerf, as it is almost useless unless you are a god with it, and the same goes for the H-3. Spattershot pro is not used. Ever. The Forge splattershot pro is used a little bit but not anywhere near enough to warrant a nerf at this point, though the sploosh does need something.


May 26, 2016
The Splattershot Pro is a weapon I see all the time these days! Idk how you could say no one uses them, it's my arch enemy weapon! They seem almost too well rounded that I feel they should have something taken away from their perfect arsenal.


Inkling Commander
Aug 9, 2014
I can think of a couple weapons.

Custom Splattershot Jr. - buff

This weapon is in serious need of a buff. Its sub doesn't do much for it and with the weapon's weakness, it's hard to get any kills at all. It needs more killing power to be usable, ie, a damage buff.

Sploosh-o-matic - buff

The range is absolutely horrendous. Give it at least Jr. range and it's good.

H-3 Nozzlenose - buff

A risky weapon to use if you miss. Decreasing the time between shots would be very much preferred. Better yet, make the shots come in singles and not in bursts.

Hydra Splatling - nerf

Too much range. Less of it please. Only weapon that outranges it is E-liter.
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Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Inkbrush: Give it the same ttk as the Octobrush.
H-3: more turf coverage, better fire rate.
Squiffer: Scale it's damage the same as Splatterscopes/E-Liters, to make damage up actually worthwhile.
Custom E-Liter: Make the Kraken unaffected by the speed debuff.
Rapid Blaster (Pro): Give it better ink coverage.
Ink Mines: Make mines last indefinitely untill replaced/owner dies/someone walks over it.
Seekers: Slightly less ink consumption.
TTek: Give this a medium reduction.
Def Up: Make it more stronger when faced against players using Dmg Up.

Hydra: The ttk on it is too short compared to it's range.
Dynamo: slightly less ink coverage.
Disruptor: Increase ink consumption or decrease time affected slightly, to discourage people from spamming it at players randomly.
Bubbler: make it take 200p to charge, like Kraken.
Forge Pro/Berry Pro/both E-Liter/CJS/Custom Hydra/Kelp Scope: Give all of these heavy reduction.
Vanilla Hydra: Give this medium reduction.

Most of the stuff that i'd like to see buffed greatly have really bad sub/special combos (vanilla/noveau inkbrush, Aero RG, vanilla pro) so i don't know if those can be helped at all.


Full Squid
Feb 8, 2016
Spattershot pro is not used. Ever.
maybe before it was buffed, but theyre definitely around a lot recently. imo its one of the weapons i see most now

i feel like dynamos need nerfed yet again, and im saying that as a recent user of them. it just feels so......broken. cant imagine what they must have been like to use before.

also i feel like custom range blasters really shouldnt have light special depletion but thats just a minor thing


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
The only two weapons I feel need a "nerfing" at this point are the dynamo (totally agreed @maxie) and the Luna.

The dynamo, honestly the only way to fix it is really just remove it from the game entirely I fear (which won't happen.) The combination of it's huge arc, it's long range, and it's reaction to lag issues results in a weapon that's not always easy to actaully GET kills with naturally, but easy to get killed BY on account that the animation renders entirely in the wrong place most of the time given even the tiniest of lag. So while the wielder needs to be very skilled to use it well, it's not really an easy weapon to use, for everyone ELSE, you have to treat the entire POTENTIAL radius of the map around the weielder as a probably ohko death zone like it's water because even getting caught by the corner of the splash might really be ohko because the weilder might have seen you in center where he REALLY swung. Too broad a weapon mixed with bad netcode yields an unfixably broken weapon that can't be dodged, but can't be nerfed without making it too impossible to use either.

That said last time I tried it, I discovered what I blamed entirely on lag is not always lag. I was getting ohko kills on people that I KNOW I did not hit dead-on. It's edge damage may need a serious dmg decrease. But then what role does it occupy? It's kind of broken by design.

The Luna....the combination with their popularity makes them really awful in ranked modes. The huge radius is just way too huge and with the damage in the radius being where it is, as well as the knockback, it really makes it a midrange weapon, not short range as was intended. Either the range needs reduction or the indirect radius damage should be reduced to that of a splat roller's edge damage.

For buffs? H3. Absolutely H3. It's probably the only weapon in the game, maybe along with Sloshing Machine that just sees such little use due to the fact that all it does is make things harder with little real advantage for learning it. It could be such a cool weapon if it were more practical!


May 26, 2016
Any thoughts on my thought of reducing the 52 Gal's Range? That seems to be the most controversial on /r/Splatoon.

Another thing I wouldn't mind nerfed would be to make the Dynamo take like an extra few frames to swing. When Dynamos swing like Rapid Fire, it really starts to make comebacks impossible. A few extra frames would be good because every time I attack a Dynamo right when they start a swing, if I take even less than a second too long to kill, I more likely than not, trade.

There are some weapons that I feel need buffs, but I really don't know how to explain how to fix it. Like the Sloshing Machine. Could someone tell me what their thoughts are?


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
For nerfs, just two weapons, one of which is sadly my own, the other which is a very famous option. The E-Liter and the Dynamo.

Now the E-Liter definitely doesn't need nerfing in the traditional sense and I do think the nerfs it has already received may have been uncalled for, even if not undeserving of course. It's not anywhere near overpowered and its concept is in theory very balanced too. But I see just one issue with this weapon, which was never a topic before. It is a weapon specializing in long range combat and should rely on outranging the opponent. However, due its ability to keep charged shots and kill within so few frames, it actually beats almost every shooter, splatling and slosher even in closer combat in certain circumstances. The reason being that the shooter will always take more time to kill the charger with his slower shots he needs at least two of, while the already fully charged shot of the charger will kill the shooter immediately, in which case the shooter gets splatted, but the charger only damaged. And since its range is unrivaled, it is always the opponent's weapon that has to approach, making charging beforehand very managable for the E-Liter.
The fully charged shot can be stored and released at will. And upon release, it will kill immediately. As long as the charger is aware of you, he will always have the upper hand even if he is no longer outranging you, because his charged shot will always kill you earlier than your shots will kill him, The way I see it, the best way to prevent that would just be letting enemy attacks deplete the charge bar of E-Liters, just to make sure that, once they're no longer capable of outranging opponent, they don't get to have the upper hand in a situation where they shouldn't. They should have to use their forte to kill, and never have the upper hand in the opponent's forte.

The Dynamo, like the E-Liter, is also not "overpowered" or anything like that. Something like that doesn't really exist in Splatoon. The Dynamo's issue is simply that it's... "cheap", if you will. The beginning lag is pretty severe, but it does not balance out a range that beats most weapons weapons in this game. It defies the concept of the roller. Great hitboxes, ink coverage, damage output and range in exchange for a slightly increased beginning lag is not a concept that could have worked out well, and I wouldn't know how to fix that either. It's an extremely bad concept and I do not understand how they didn't see it was going to be an issue.


Inkster Jr.
Jun 26, 2015
Inkbrush: Run speed as fast as the N-Zap, because there is no reason for a weapon with the second lowest effective range (and one of the lowest TTK) to move that slow when attacking. Swim speed should receive a 10% advantage, similar to the 10% penalty for all the heavy weapons. Maybe also give its attack some hitstun similar to the Slosher so that it is not rendered useless by walking two steps backward.

Sploosh-o-matic, Aerospray, Custom Splattershot Jr.: Same speed buffs as the Inkbrush.

Carbon Roller Deco(Seeker): Reduce ink usage to 40%, increase seeker rush duration. The much more useful and undodgeable Point Sensor only cost 40%, why is the Seeker so expensive? Not to mention, the Splash Wall only cost 60%. :confused:

Sprinkler: Reduce ink usage to 40% OR increase durability. Same reasoning as the Seeker.

Inkstrike: Reduce points to charge to 160P, increase area of effect, and increase duration to match that of the Killer Wail. Those two specials serve the same purpose (area denial) but the Killer Wail cost less, denies much more area, and does not force me to look away from the TV. The Inkstike's only advantage is that it leaves a tiny amount of ink on the ground, which can be covered even before the special is finished.

.52 Gal: Increase ink consumption OR reduce fire rate.

Kraken & Bubbler: 0.5s delay before any attack can be executed, with the exception of sub weapons for Bubbler user. Every other offensive special has a warning and leaves the user very vulnerable to close range ambush if activated at the wrong time. There is no real penalty to using Kraken or Bubbler willy-nilly if not near the edge. They are so powerful that there is nearly always two on every competitive squad, and I even see supposedly "long range" weapons rushing in, jumping down from ledges o_O to activate it in the face of short range weapons knowing that it is nearly a guaranteed splat.

Dynamo Rollers: I would actually increase its OHKO range while giving it a big minimum range where it does very little to no damage at all. Make it a very wide, very slow firing blaster instead. The only real counter to Dynamo right now is to use a long range weapon because even if it misses the OHKO the opponent will get stuck in ink and get splatted by the second swing anyways.


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
Nothing in this game needs a nerf, although some weapons can definitely use buffs.

More or less, changes to all-around bad weapons themselves to mitigate their glaring weaknesses (examples: less endlag on H3, Bomb Range affecting Sloshing Machine, increased movement speed for Sploosh and Aerospray, faster fire rate on Dual Squelch, etc) or changes to specific kits on weapons that have good alternate kits (Inkzooka on Custom Jr and either N-zap, Burst Bomb on Rapid Blaster, anything that's not Bomb Rush or Inkstrike on Rimi, etc).

I'd also like to give one competent weapon Beakon Inkstrike for the Quick Super Jump + Recon Synergy. Maybe a new Splatterscope and Orange N-zap?

The only weird thing i might try is slightly fiddling with the 40% Burst Bomb nerf, because it ended up nerfing "innocent" weapons more than E-liters that are still used every game. I know that I am biased for Burst Bombs, but it's really stupid that Nintendo targeted one gun but instead nerfed 8 others that didn't need nerfing.

I'd also look into fiddling with Hydra's default kit and maybe adjusting the Splatterscope to have more range but still be balanced, that way we'd see a bit more variety in long range weapons.
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Inkling Cadet
Jun 7, 2015
burst bomb nerf was fine. they're still quite powerful and they work as intended on the "innocent weapons" while preventing the level of burst bomb spam we were reaching before the update.

they did screw up with the hydra, though. i get they wanted to make it better but the TTK with that range and a bubbler is RIDICULOUS.
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Inkling Cadet
Feb 10, 2016
The Splattershot Pro is a weapon I see all the time these days! Idk how you could say no one uses them, it's my arch enemy weapon! They seem almost too well rounded that I feel they should have something taken away from their perfect arsenal.
To be fair, I haven't been able to play as often lately, but I still do not see very many of them, though I haven't seen any shooters dominate in my matches, so maybe I'm just special.

In my opinion, the e-liter needs an unconventional nerf. I think the semi-charged shots either need a HUGE decrease in range, or they need to decrease the power of those shots severely. The weapon has the highest range in the game AND it has burst bombs for close range. For it to be able to OHKO with a little more than half charge is ridiculous and not what it was meant for. Just nerf the semi-charged shots, the rest can stay the way it is.


May 26, 2016
I would like if they just made all the chargers like the Squiffer. Unaffected by Damage Up. This is why I stack that Defense Up. Lol


May 26, 2016
I made a compiled list of everything I feel could be tweaked as of now. Here it is:

My Major thoughts are:

Some sort of nerf for the 52. (Range, Ink Consumption, Fire Rate)

Make the Splattershot Pro affected by Defense Up or give it a slower fire rate (Make it lose some of it's Close Range potential so it's more like the other Longest Range Tiers)

Give the Dynamo a longer lag time before flicking; Just because it has a longer lag time doesn't warrant the madness this weapon creates. Even a few frames longer would be perfect because it would give some extra leeway to splat them and nottrade for once.

Give the Dynamo a smaller effective range, smaller damage output, and less ink coverage.

My other nitpicks are:

H-3 needs a shorter time beetween shots. If you don't make the shot your a sitting duck.

Change some of the long range weapons in a way to give more insensitive to not just play with the Splattershot Pro. (Give the Dual Squelcher a faster firerate) (Make the 96 less random, yes, even moreso) (Give Jet Squelcher shots a higher velocity and a slight firerate boost)

Give the Sloshing Machine a bigger damage radius, a thicker ink trail, and make it possible to make it do 99.9 Damage with enough Damage Up, also more range.

Make the Arrowspray a bit more accurate or give it more range, and make it possible to do 99.9 damage with enough Damage Up.

Buff the Inkstrike time to be 1.5 Seconds longer and make it bigger (Also make the Inkstrike warning bigger as a result)

Make Rollers louder so they don't No-Skill-Roll you as often or killed by suprise Dynamos as often. Flicking should make a loud creak and Rolling should make a loud rolling noise. Each Roller has a different volume with the Dynamo being the Loudest and the Carbon the Quietest.

Kraken and Bubbler should have a short moment to transform after the button is pressed, every other sub has a warning why not the Kraken/Bubbler? Kraken can take .4 Seconds and Bubbler can take .5 Seconds.

Bubbler should take the same amount of points Krakens do. Bubblers are even more dangerous than Krakens if you ask me.

Inkstrike should take less points to charge. Killer Whail takes less than Inkstrike and it's much more useful.

Seekers should use about as much as a Splat/Suction Bomb, maybe a bit more, Point Sensor use less and they're much more versatile.

Make it possible to have 2 Seekers on 1 Tank (3 Sub Saver Mains, 2 Sub Saver Subs?)

Seeker Rush should be a bit longer than what it is.

Splash Walls should take longer to open (Maybe an extra .4 Seconds)

Towers should destroy Splash Walls (Not immediately, they can survive at long enough to go through at the most, the front half of the tower, but break after less than a second inside.

Raise the fire rate of the 96 Gal by a small amount (A bit less than the Jet Squelcher)

Wow that's a long list, like I said, the only major ones are the one at the top

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