What Weapons do you feel need Buffs or Nerfs and how would they change them?


Semi-Pro Squid
Jun 4, 2014
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SW-6389-5985-3965 Username:「Derk」
Most main weapons are pretty balanced. There are a couple of hiccups but most of that has already been brought up. Sub weapons however could use some tweaks. Some subs are amazing (burst bombs) and some are meh (ink mines).

Ink Mine: Buff
Ink Mines need a buff. The last adjustments were a good start but honestly did next to nothing. Ink mines are on a 10 second delay which makes them terrible at turfing and the explosion is too slow allowing most people to easily escape it with little effort. Ink Mines are not really good at anything and are a minor nuisance in Splat Zones/Tower Control at best. Detonation speed needs to be increased and setting a second Ink Mine should detonate the first one, not replace it. This would make them a decent inking option and it also gives the user control of when it explodes instead of happening from an opponent's action/delay only.

Seeker: Buff
Seekers are great but their ink cost is a little absurd... 80%? I feel like if it was dropped down to around 60-65% this would be a much better sub. That would allow 2 seekers if you chose to stack enough ink saver sub. (you can basically have 2 seekers now, but it requires a full set dedicated to ink saver and ink recovery)

Squid Beakon: Berf
No longer break when your team jumps to them, in exchange for only having 1 beakon active at a time (Opponents can still break your beakon). Ink Consumption from 90% to 75%. This stops people from surrounding themselves in beakons on the tower to block shots while improving the beakons functionality to allow your team a constant option to a key part of the map.


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
burst bomb nerf was fine. they're still quite powerful and they work as intended on the "innocent weapons" while preventing the level of burst bomb spam we were reaching before the update.
Burst Bombs were only a problem on E-Liter.. and even then they weren't really a problem because the problem is the E-Liter's relative range. I was the only player to get to grand finals of a tournament using Splattershot, and even then it was an uphill battle and most people agree that the gun wasn't much higher than mid-tier.

E-Liters were and still are in almost every single game, while you rarely if ever see a Splattershot, and when you do about 99% of the time that person doesn't actually know how to use it. I seriously doubt Nintendo even took the "Hitzel Build" into consideration when nerfing Burst Bombs, seeing as how it's pretty obvious they were targeting E-Liter and tried to make the new Burst Bombs better for aggressive weapons trying to get in. Burst Bomb centric builds just happened to get nerfed hard in the process.

I totally acknowledge that tinkering with the 40% would totally be for the benefit of Splattershot players alone, but my point is that actual competent Splattershot players spamming Burst Bombs were such a rarity that there's no way Nintendo could have possibly seen it as a reason to nerf Burst Bombs. All of the other nerfs they've made have been for the weapons that you see in EVERY single lobby. They've never nerfed anything obscure.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
Problem I see with Jet Squelcher is that the buffed Splattershot Pro now makes it pretty much... redundant. Only thing preventing me from having the Splattershot Pro entirely replace the Jet Squelcher at this point is that I consider the Splattershot Pro kits garbage, while the Jet Squelcher still shines with a Kraken and Burst Bomb mix.


Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
The H3 is in a desperate need of a buff. It's a shame that the H3 has gone ignored for so long. I'm hoping we'll see it be given a buff since it's being given a third variant soon. The H3 does put Nintendo in a bit of a tough position though. If the buff is too much, it could stand to make the weapon over powered. They need to find a decent amount of increase without pushing it too far. Personally though, I think the H3 needs a slightly faster fire rate. It's way too slow for a burst weapon as it stands. It could really benefit from being a bit faster.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
I've liked the suggestions I've heard in the past for the Hydra - that its 3-shot splat should be reverted to 4 but it should get a fair range increase in order properly to differentiate it from Heavies and better to deal with Splat Chargers (which should really be able to take out a Hydra if in mutual range, given how much more quickly they charge). So a reshuffle more than a straight buff or nerf.
Personally though, I think the H3 needs a slightly faster fire rate. It's way too slow for a burst weapon as it stands. It could really benefit from being a bit faster.
I think that we can take the Slosher buff from 2.7 as evidence that this would be a very fair change. They got a full 20% shot speed increase and remain pretty uncommon weapons; they were usable before and aren't overpowered now. So the H-3 could get a pretty significant fire rate increase without becoming broken (as long as it's still outsped notably by the L-3, just as the Tri-Slosher still has a notably lower TTK than the regular Slosher).


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 24, 2015
I think the sloshing machine needs a range/damage buff to differentiate it from the regular Slosher, which has just as good kits and a better fire rate. It honestly feels like a awkward rapid blaster to me, with shots that fall and no help from damage up, and adding more of something would help give it a niche.


May 26, 2016
The hydra is not over-powered. It is pretty darn good but it does not deserve a nerf. Most long range shooters have a bad matchup against it, but the hydra has bad matchup against snipers and short range weapons with a fast ttk. I feel that the jet squelcher does deserve a fire rate buff to make it more competitive in it's long range class. Dynamo needs a huge hit-box nerf at it's max range. The one shot kill spread is ginormous and it makes it so you can get kills without precise aiming which is not a good design philosophy.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 29, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Problem I see with Jet Squelcher is that the buffed Splattershot Pro now makes it pretty much... redundant. Only thing preventing me from having the Splattershot Pro entirely replace the Jet Squelcher at this point is that I consider the Splattershot Pro kits garbage, while the Jet Squelcher still shines with a Kraken and Burst Bomb mix.
Nope. The jet is still very strong against the pro.

Also why do so many people want to buff the .96? I mean the .96 deco exists. Like seriously. it splats in 17 frames which is already faster than some shooters it outranges. And it has splash walls. It's a pseudo bubbler for pete's sake and dangerous when combined with the .96's range. Instead of buffing it, just get better at using it.


Pro Squid
Apr 30, 2016
Last patch's speed nerf to 'heavy' weapons worked quite well, so I think that some 'light' weapons should get a speed buff. The inkbrushes and the Aerosprays seem to be the most suited for this, since those weapons focus on turfing and speed. The inkbrush might need some more buffs, since it's really just a poor-mans roller. Maybe if the brush could keep momentum when flicking, it could actually skate across the map and splat enemies that simply walk back a bit.

The sloshing machine could use buffs too. I think that the arc should be altered a bit. Basically if you aim up, the slosh will go up, then slow down in the air and then it will fall straight down. It should make a complete arc to make aiming easier, and to slightly increase it's range when firing from a high point. When you fire from high up, the slosh will also leave behind only a very small puddle of ink, so that should be buffed to be as large slosh straight at the ground too.The blast radius should also be increased a bit since the machine is still a slosher.

The seeker and ink mine should obviously get buffs, as well as the inkstrike. I think that it would be cool for the inkstrike to block enemy shots, similar to a splash wall. The inkstrike is completely outclassed by the wail, which can zone much better and longer, so a little buff would be justified.

As for nerfs, I think that the Luna and Dynamo should be nerfed. Not because they're amazingly powerful weapons, but just because they require zero skill to be used. Both weapons can get easy splats without even aiming, especially the Luna. Why try mastering a hard to use weapon like the bamboozler when you can do just as good with a weapon that takes little effort to use? The blast radius on the luna and the OHKO hitbox on the Dynamo should be nerfed imo, so that they actually have to aim to get splats.


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2015
Im gonna have to agree with Hitzel; All weapons are very much balanced at this point especially fter the last patch. Im not exactly sure what the fuss is about the dynamo since its recieved so many nerfs since the games release but if it where to get another nerf then i guess giving it more swing lag would make it fair, though I honestly dont think it needs it.

The rollers in general dont need any nerfs at all; no louder sounds or anything. The rollers need the stealth to acually get around on the field. Without that then they are very vulnerable and especially after the big hitbox nerf for all rollers, rollers have become so much more difficult to use and in general take much more skill.

I think eliter is fine aswell, theres literally nothing they can do to it to 'balance' it and this is probably the best we are going to get. the splattershot pro definitely does NOT need a nerf. That thing fell out of popularity long ago and has just recently picked back up because of the .96 nerf. its recent popularity doesnt mean it needs to be hit. Understandably it is a very well rounded weapon but so is the splattershot.

The bubbler nerf I can get on board with; definitely make it 200p instead of the current 180p. The .52 is not broken either. If I where to give it a nerf Id probably reduce its range but after seeing how truly 'broken' weapons tend to be since the games release, I can say confidently that the .52 is fine.

As for buffs:

...Im gonna be so biased...
I love the Permabrush but I wouldnt object to a direct inkbrush buff. There are a couple of ways they could help it: increase its ink coverage(ink brush shoots out 3 blotches by swiping once with the brush while the octobrush shoots out 5... ink brush should honestly shoot out 4 which would increase its ttk without directly increasing its damage since it would shoot out more possible hitboxes), they can cut the frames for its swing-to-roll or cut the frames for its swing in general, they can give it the same range as the octobrush but leave its damage at 28.0 as it is currently...
One of the best possible buffs they can give the ink brush would have to be increased strafing speed. Sounds like a small or stupid buff but this would allow for so much more movement and mixups when going up against an aware enemy.
I also agree with what someone previously said about the swim speed increase on smaller weapons to contrast the swimspeed nerf from last patch.
TL;DR ink brush movement buff.

H3... alot of people have been asking for this. I dont use the H3 anymore but I know from experience that it would benefit from having reduced shot lag and disruptors. everything else about it is fine, its actually pretty broken in theory but it just needs to land its shots.

aerospray... I said it before and ill say it again: Burstbomb/Bubbler set and this weapon will be fine. The 10% swim speed buff for light weapons would also help here.

I understand the concept of the Sploosh and it seems fine, just needs a good kit tbh. Something with zooka.

Thats about all for now but i cant stress it enough that the weapons are fairly balanced at this point but if anything we need buffs, not nerfs.


May 26, 2016
I just think that a weapon can be super well rounded, but add range to that and it just feels unfair. I still stand by my original thoughts but I do mainly just want the Defense Up nerf for it.


May 26, 2016
Problem I see with Jet Squelcher is that the buffed Splattershot Pro now makes it pretty much... redundant. Only thing preventing me from having the Splattershot Pro entirely replace the Jet Squelcher at this point is that I consider the Splattershot Pro kits garbage, while the Jet Squelcher still shines with a Kraken and Burst Bomb mix.
Shot velocity buff on the Jet Squelcher along with a fire rate boost would be nice. I can usually get 3 shots in before they run away. Sometimes it takes 5 because of the lower damage from the long distance. Something should be done for the Longest Range Tier Shooters to give insentive to use them instead of the Splattershot Pro.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
For nerfs, just two weapons, one of which is sadly my own, the other which is a very famous option. The E-Liter and the Dynamo.

Now the E-Liter definitely doesn't need nerfing in the traditional sense and I do think the nerfs it has already received may have been uncalled for, even if not undeserving of course. It's not anywhere near overpowered and its concept is in theory very balanced too. But I see just one issue with this weapon, which was never a topic before. It is a weapon specializing in long range combat and should rely on outranging the opponent. However, due its ability to keep charged shots and kill within so few frames, it actually beats almost every shooter, splatling and slosher even in closer combat in certain circumstances. The reason being that the shooter will always take more time to kill the charger with his slower shots he needs at least two of, while the already fully charged shot of the charger will kill the shooter immediately, in which case the shooter gets splatted, but the charger only damaged. And since its range is unrivaled, it is always the opponent's weapon that has to approach, making charging beforehand very managable for the E-Liter.
The fully charged shot can be stored and released at will. And upon release, it will kill immediately. As long as the charger is aware of you, he will always have the upper hand even if he is no longer outranging you, because his charged shot will always kill you earlier than your shots will kill him, The way I see it, the best way to prevent that would just be letting enemy attacks deplete the charge bar of E-Liters, just to make sure that, once they're no longer capable of outranging opponent, they don't get to have the upper hand in a situation where they shouldn't. They should have to use their forte to kill, and never have the upper hand in the opponent's forte.

The Dynamo, like the E-Liter, is also not "overpowered" or anything like that. Something like that doesn't really exist in Splatoon. The Dynamo's issue is simply that it's... "cheap", if you will. The beginning lag is pretty severe, but it does not balance out a range that beats most weapons weapons in this game. It defies the concept of the roller. Great hitboxes, ink coverage, damage output and range in exchange for a slightly increased beginning lag is not a concept that could have worked out well, and I wouldn't know how to fix that either. It's an extremely bad concept and I do not understand how they didn't see it was going to be an issue.

Ewww, that Eliter suggestion is kind of awful. :scared: I see what you're saying about it, though the same might apply to squiffers and splat chargers too. However, your idea of "sitting on a charge" really only applies to the unscoped variants - it's not really how scopes are (or can be) played - they're generally aimed WHILE charging, and released as soon as the charge is ready. And even unscoped with the slow movement speed, it's hard to stay in a safe place that you don't have to frequently drop the charge to strafe aside. Personally, going up against eagle eye eliters, I'm not sure that the idea really is needed. The ones that are THAT good are splatting squids one after another - pop, pop, pop - and not sitting on charges. The ones that aren't so good are much easier to distract, flank, and outmaneuver. Personally i've mostly switched to splatterscope after eliter got so horrendously nerfed into being a mere perch sniper. Poor thing doesn't deserve any more nerfs unless it's getting a cqc buff to offset it. With its movement speed, I don't see that happening. It's still just as good a perch sniper for now - but simply being a perch sniper is a little limiting in most matches as it is.

Dynamo, though, yeah, you really hit the nail on the head with that. The problem with dynamo is the whole concept is broken. It IS hard to use but the nature of how it works just interacts bad with lag, and the rest of the game world. There's no way to fix the dynamo other than to break it so bad nobody uses it which would also be awful. But the splatfest prevalence of them tells us something needs to kill its poularity a little.
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Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
Dynamos don't need to be nerfed and there's plenty of ways to play around them.

There are already too many weapons that check Dynamos pretty hard (pretty much anything with range or bombs), and if someone on a team with one of those weapons constantly puts pressure on the enemy Dynamo, the Dynamo pretty much doesn't get to play. Yeah, you tend to not have that kind of coordination in solo queue, but balancing a game around solo queue is a guaranteed disaster and should never be considered.

Dynamos shouldn't be getting nerfed any more in the first place. Yes, Dynamos are actually really important for taking back map control and stopping the poorly-designed slippery slope aspect of Splatoon from being too problematic, but the heart of the issue is the simple fact that 9 times out of 10 in game design, it's important to give weaker weapons more use and purpose before nerfing popular, useful things that people enjoy using.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Dynamos don't need to be nerfed and there's plenty of ways to play around them.

There are already too many weapons that check Dynamos pretty hard (pretty much anything with range or bombs), and if someone on a team with one of those weapons constantly puts pressure on the enemy Dynamo, the Dynamo pretty much doesn't get to play. Yeah, you tend to not have that kind of coordination in solo queue, but balancing a game around solo queue is a guaranteed disaster and should never be considered.

Dynamos shouldn't be getting nerfed any more in the first place. Yes, Dynamos are actually really important for taking back map control and stopping the poorly-designed slippery slope aspect of Splatoon from being too problematic, but the heart of the issue is the simple fact that 9 times out of 10 in game design, it's important to give weaker weapons more use and purpose before nerfing popular, useful things that people enjoy using.
Solo and TW queue are Splatoon. That's the game. And that's what the game is designed to be balanced around. Nintendo doesn't really make competition oriented games. They know it exists, they generally don't care, and they go out of their way to not cater to what is a very, very small niche audience - but they do not balance their games, including (actually, especially) Smash around the competitive players. They balance around the mainstream players. In Splatoon's case I'd say they arguably balance mostly based on B ranks.

I don't disagree with your view of how dynamo can be used or targeted in competitive play, but my point is don't mistake that for something Nintendo balances around, or even cares more than remotely enough to make token gestures about. The solo queue is, by far, their broader audience, and that is the one they design/balance the game for. In that context dynamo is SEVERELY broken by it's very design.

Also, I don't mean to disparage dynamo users, it's a difficult weapon in many ways to use well, absolutely. But the way it interacts with the rest of the game leaves it in a permanently broken state - hard to get hits with it, hard to avoid it. The user plays a weapon that's hard to hit anything with, and their opponents see a weapon that kills anything in sniper range for 45 degrees in any direction in a single hit and nearly EVERY encounter with a dynamo ends in a trade at best even if the dynamo died seconds prior. It doesn't react with the global P2P network well at all. A dynamo with a lag advantage is nearly invincible. I used to blame this PURELY on lag, however last time I took out dynamo a week or two ago to play with Tempered, I discovered *I* was onko'ing people way off to my left side. It might not be just a lag issue on the receiving side - there might be something really weird about the hitbox. If you nerf it, it becomes too hard to use effectively. If it you buff it, it's the only weapon that matters. As it is, it's just broken. That's why I think maybe a nerf that DOES kind of make it useless will lead to it being abandoned and effectively remove it from the game by making it a rare choice. I don't like doing that to weapons, but the dynamofest that splatfest has become can't be permitted to continue for example. The main problem, is, say, a sploosh - SHOULD be able to run up to a dynamo and take them out fast between swings. Yet more times than not, they swing, I run up and take them out, then a magic wave from nowhere catches me as I walk AWAY, on the right 30% of its arc, and I'm splatted. Other weapons have lag issues, other weapons have magic ohkos, but none come close to the dynamo's issue of brokenness. You might say it's the netcode's fault and not the weapons, which is true, but it doesn't change the fact that the weapon's interaction with said bad netcode yields a very broken result.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
Ewww, that Eliter suggestion is kind of awful. :scared: I see what you're saying about it, though the same might apply to squiffers and splat chargers too. However, your idea of "sitting on a charge" really only applies to the unscoped variants - it's not really how scopes are (or can be) played - they're generally aimed WHILE charging, and released as soon as the charge is ready. And even unscoped with the slow movement speed, it's hard to stay in a safe place that you don't have to frequently drop the charge to strafe aside. Personally, going up against eagle eye eliters, I'm not sure that the idea really is needed. The ones that are THAT good are splatting squids one after another - pop, pop, pop - and not sitting on charges. The ones that aren't so good are much easier to distract, flank, and outmaneuver. Personally i've mostly switched to splatterscope after eliter got so horrendously nerfed into being a mere perch sniper. Poor thing doesn't deserve any more nerfs unless it's getting a cqc buff to offset it. With its movement speed, I don't see that happening. It's still just as good a perch sniper for now - but simply being a perch sniper is a little limiting in most matches as it is.

Dynamo, though, yeah, you really hit the nail on the head with that. The problem with dynamo is the whole concept is broken. It IS hard to use but the nature of how it works just interacts bad with lag, and the rest of the game world. There's no way to fix the dynamo other than to break it so bad nobody uses it which would also be awful. But the splatfest prevalence of them tells us something needs to kill its poularity a little.
I definitely see what you mean and yeah, scope playstyle is quite different and doesn't allow for these maneuvers to begin with, so no greater point in giving it to them, but the nerf wouldn't be much of a heavy hit to the scope version since the scope version doesn't play like that in general to begin with. They rely more on safely outranging the opponent and quickly getting them killed, like they should, especially because they have to aim while charging and are more likely to give away their intention to the opponent with every kill attmept. They wouldn't really suffer much from this nerf at all. The nerf is there to force the user to be capable enough to use his weapon's extreme forte to kill. Aggressively approaching good E-Liters is extremely difficult, and it should be. But after a successful approach the E-Liter should suffer from a disadvantage. They fail to kill in time, so now the advantages needs to go to the one approaching successfully. The E-Liter's weakness is technically speaking the low amount of mobility they suffer from, but considering that their shot will always be faster than any multi-shot shooter and can always kill the opponents before they kill him, the lack of mobility really isn't much of a big disadvantage anymore. The opponent is vulnerable at the moment he shoots at the charger, and the charger is capable of turning the tables and use that moment to kill the opponent first, because his shot will kill faster. I do not see why this weapon should ever have the advantage in a situation they're not supposed to be viable for. The way I see it, the ability to absolutely outrange any weapon should come with the cost of being in the immediate disadvantage whenever you fail to outrange your opponent. If the opponent manages to approach successfully, the one landing the first shot should get the kill (or at least the one getting shot first should have to retreat if he gets the chance). If the E-Liter user has the shot ready, he will be the one who has better chances of getting that kill sooner even if is shot at first. I don't see how being the first to get shot after failing to outrange the opponent but still being capable of entirely turning the tables and killing the opponent first is really fair. It's not a situation that happens all too often, but it's one where I see an actual problem with this weapon.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I definitely see what you mean and yeah, scope playstyle is quite different and doesn't allow for these maneuvers to begin with, so no greater point in giving it to them, but the nerf wouldn't be much of a heavy hit to the scope version since the scope version doesn't play like that in general to begin with. They rely more on safely outranging the opponent and quickly getting them killed, like they should, especially because they have to aim while charging and are more likely to give away their intention to the opponent with every kill attmept. They wouldn't really suffer much from this nerf at all. The nerf is there to force the user to be capable enough to use his weapon's extreme forte to kill. Aggressively approaching good E-Liters is extremely difficult, and it should be. But after a successful approach the E-Liter should suffer from a disadvantage. They fail to kill in time, so now the advantages needs to go to the one approaching successfully. The E-Liter's weakness is technically speaking the low amount of mobility they suffer from, but considering that their shot will always be faster than any multi-shot shooter and can always kill the opponents before they kill him, the lack of mobility really isn't much of a big disadvantage anymore. The opponent is vulnerable at the moment he shoots at the charger, and the charger is capable of turning the tables and use that moment to kill the opponent first, because his shot will kill faster. I do not see why this weapon should ever have the advantage in a situation they're not supposed to be viable for. The way I see it, the ability to absolutely outrange any weapon should come with the cost of being in the immediate disadvantage whenever you fail to outrange your opponent. If the opponent manages to approach successfully, the one landing the first shot should get the kill (or at least the one getting shot first should have to retreat if he gets the chance). If the E-Liter user has the shot ready, he will be the one who has better chances of getting that kill sooner even if is shot at first. I don't see how being the first to get shot after failing to outrange the opponent but still being capable of entirely turning the tables and killing the opponent first is really fair. It's not a situation that happens all too often, but it's one where I see an actual problem with this weapon.
I see you general point, but I can't say that I've really seen many eliters playing the way you suggest. The unscoped certainly can hold a charge, and that's their forte, getting the snap shots, but I don't see very many eliters that are sitting on charges AND using that charge to take out close range attackers. Most of the time I see them either take their shot and get the kill while the foe approaches, or I see their speedy foe outmaneuver them, watch them take the shot and miss, and they don't have time for another full charge to get the next shot, so they either fall back and retreat to safer positioning, or they try to go for the two-shot kill (my preferred method) which was already heavily nerfed with the mobility nerf, What you describe is squiffer-like close range play, and with the poor charge time on eliter, it can't really play that game very effectively. Anyone aiming for that play style would be better suited by Splat Charger from the start as eliter makes a very poor substitute for it in trying to go "short and long" range like that . I'd say eliter already has a big disadvantage up close. Like I said, I personally more or less hung up my eliters for splatterscope when they took my ability to really press the objective when needed with an eliter and forced it to perch sniping, but that said, with my splatterscopes, splooshes, and rollers, I haven't really had trouble closing in on most eliters - if I get close they generally wasted their shot on my approach, and if they take me out its either with a successful two-shot bamboozler style, or some well aimed burst bombs - neither of which would be helped by the nerf you describe. If the eliter managed to hold onto a shot the whole time I approached, and play it as a big squffer, baiting me to close in, he probably deserved that kill :) My only main eliters can really have a serious edge over on me are hydras and bamboozlers. Hydras because the range is shorter and the charge slower, and bamboozlers because the range is shorter, and the ttk longer. It's an excellent countersniper but an excellent eliter can take me out first if I don't have very superior positioning.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 10, 2016
I definitely see what you mean and yeah, scope playstyle is quite different and doesn't allow for these maneuvers to begin with, so no greater point in giving it to them, but the nerf wouldn't be much of a heavy hit to the scope version since the scope version doesn't play like that in general to begin with. They rely more on safely outranging the opponent and quickly getting them killed, like they should, especially because they have to aim while charging and are more likely to give away their intention to the opponent with every kill attmept. They wouldn't really suffer much from this nerf at all. The nerf is there to force the user to be capable enough to use his weapon's extreme forte to kill. Aggressively approaching good E-Liters is extremely difficult, and it should be. But after a successful approach the E-Liter should suffer from a disadvantage. They fail to kill in time, so now the advantages needs to go to the one approaching successfully. The E-Liter's weakness is technically speaking the low amount of mobility they suffer from, but considering that their shot will always be faster than any multi-shot shooter and can always kill the opponents before they kill him, the lack of mobility really isn't much of a big disadvantage anymore. The opponent is vulnerable at the moment he shoots at the charger, and the charger is capable of turning the tables and use that moment to kill the opponent first, because his shot will kill faster. I do not see why this weapon should ever have the advantage in a situation they're not supposed to be viable for. The way I see it, the ability to absolutely outrange any weapon should come with the cost of being in the immediate disadvantage whenever you fail to outrange your opponent. If the opponent manages to approach successfully, the one landing the first shot should get the kill (or at least the one getting shot first should have to retreat if he gets the chance). If the E-Liter user has the shot ready, he will be the one who has better chances of getting that kill sooner even if is shot at first. I don't see how being the first to get shot after failing to outrange the opponent but still being capable of entirely turning the tables and killing the opponent first is really fair. It's not a situation that happens all too often, but it's one where I see an actual problem with this weapon.
This is a situation where the e-liter either will lose, or the e-liter is an incredibly good player. If you can snipe somebody with a full charge when they are in your face, then you should be allowed to do that. What shouldn't be a problem but is is that e-liters and even many splatterscopes stack as much damage up as possible to kill when they are at half charge. This means the e-liter can always beat you at long range and even if it misses once it can still beat you at mid range.
Remove damage up on chargers! :ability_damage::wst_charge_long00: is not what they intended! The e-liter is a perch sniper, and if that is boring, then don't use it, because that is how it was designed.

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