Your K/D ratio isn't the be-all-end-all. Don't give up!


Full Squid
Jul 28, 2017

I finally found some weapons to shoot me up the ranks, like this roller. But do you know something funny? I'm terrible at combat. I couldn't read someone if they were a walking comic book!

Instead I find I can perform well as an underdog. People underestimate rollers, Splat Walls and similar, and their role in support, so they pay the price. I may be splatted a lot, but I've been able to help turn a seemingly hopeless game around.

Yes I know, I'm not an S+ Over 9000 rank like everyone else, and these weapons we were against were not all top tier, but I'm proud to have made it this far. Don't give up if you're in the same boat! There's a role for everyone in this game. Unless you're a Salmonid. :D
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Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Hey, support players are invaluable. A skilled playerkilller-type ally is made that much more effective by effective back-up. If you're not the best at combat, there's still other stuff to be done, as you've found. As long as you're winning matches and not going like 0/10, that's all that matters! Good to hear you found something that works for you :)

(also your in-game handle amuses me, thumbs up!)


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code

I finally found some weapons to shoot me up the ranks, like this roller. But do you know something funny? I'm terrible at combat. I couldn't read someone if they were a walking comic book!

Instead I find I can perform well as an underdog. People underestimate rollers, Splat Walls and similar, and their role in support, so they pay the price. I may be splatted a lot, but I've been able to help turn a seemingly hopeless game around.

Yes I know, I'm not an S+ Over 9000 rank like everyone else, and these weapons we were against were not all top tier, but I'm proud to have made it this far. Don't give up if you're in the same boat! There's a role for everyone in this game. Unless you're a Salmonid. :D
I'm in the same boat. Nothing wrong with being support.

EDITING this in so I don't reply to my own post, but lately I've picked up the jet squelcher (thanks to Dessgeega for mentioning its various strengths, which inspired me to give it a try). I've been getting fewer kills than with the rapid blaster, but the benefits are often more beneficial to my team -- especially in the random queue. It inks better than the rapid (not hard to do), lets me stay out of direct conflict (thus staying alive longer), provides a safe superjumping point close to the action for teammates and allows me to push the enemy out of areas and toward my teammates. Nothing feels better than pinning the enemy between the jet and a teammate -- my teammate usually gets the kill but that's okay.
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Pro Squid
Aug 14, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I may be splatted a lot, but I've been able to help turn a seemingly hopeless game around.

Yes I know, I'm not an S+ Over 9000 rank like everyone else, and these weapons we were against were not all top tier, but I'm proud to have made it this far. Don't give up if you're in the same boat! There's a role for everyone in this game.
This is my favorite thing about Splatoon: even if you're not good at splating people, you can still contribute by inking turf and using your subs and special to turn the tide of the battle in your favor.

Also, it's nice to see another Flingza Roller user. :D


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'm in the same boat. Nothing wrong with being support.

EDITING this in so I don't reply to my own post, but lately I've picked up the jet squelcher (thanks to Dessgeega for mentioning its various strengths, which inspired me to give it a try). I've been getting fewer kills than with the rapid blaster, but the benefits are often more beneficial to my team -- especially in the random queue. It inks better than the rapid (not hard to do), lets me stay out of direct conflict (thus staying alive longer), provides a safe superjumping point close to the action for teammates and allows me to push the enemy out of areas and toward my teammates. Nothing feels better than pinning the enemy between the jet and a teammate -- my teammate usually gets the kill but that's okay.
That's quality support! I'm okay with not getting a lot of kills because I know my squelcher antics put so much pressure on the enemy :D


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
That's quality support! I'm okay with not getting a lot of kills because I know my squelcher antics put so much pressure on the enemy :D
A buddy I league with gave me the best compliment I've ever gotten about this game -- that he could feel my presence in every game. It gets to the point where I'll sometimes have two or three enemies trying to chase me down for splats (which, if it lasts for close to 8 seconds is equal to getting a kill).

I've even traded in my beloved rapid blaster for the jet IN TOWER MODE, which is a thing I never thought I'd do.


Full Squid
Jul 25, 2017
At first, when this game was released, I was obsessed with trying to go for splats. But as I switched from turf war to ranked, it became abundantly clear that if you want to win and rank up, you NEED to play the objective. So I ended up trying to change my style of play, and focused on minimising deaths to be available to play the objective longer. Besides Tower Control (using that to practise charger play in Ranked), I'm now A in Rainmaker and S in Splat Zones.
Mind you, I still do get a lot of splats, averaging 9 over the last 50 matches which helps the team a lot too.


Inkling Commander
Jul 18, 2017
Switch Friend Code
One of splatoon's charms is that combat isnt everything, and the match will not be dictated by your kills and how many times you got splatted. Splatoon 2 however is a bit more combat biased than Splatoon 1 was, but I have definitely had some games where my team and I had pathetic K/D ratios by the end of the game and the enemy got dozens of splats, but we came out on top. :p
Also godspeed Flingza Roller, I can't make it work for the life of me, lol.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
One of splatoon's charms is that combat isnt everything, and the match will not be dictated by your kills and how many times you got splatted. Splatoon 2 however is a bit more combat biased than Splatoon 1 was, but I have definitely had some games where my team and I had pathetic K/D ratios by the end of the game and the enemy got dozens of splats, but we came out on top. :p
Also godspeed Flingza Roller, I can't make it work for the life of me, lol.
Dying is such a bigger negative in S2 that sometimes the threat of killing someone can have nearly the impact as actually killing them but with less danger.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 6, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Splatoon in general shouldn't be
be that rank or not. You should just enjoy the game and not take it too serious. Doing that only makes it feel like work. Sure there's a competitive side to it but you can still have fun and not take it too serious. Splatoon really isn't that serious even if it's an Esport game. There's underlying issue here when people get frustrated when they lose a couple of matches. They feel the need to be the best, or that they'll never lose the game. They only limit themselves by doing that.


Inkling Cadet
Mar 12, 2016
Nowhere is that truer than rainmaker. In S1 I had plenty of games where I went 3-10,3-8, 4-9 (once I went 1-10)etc but we won cuz I got the rain maker to the podium. KD ratio though seems more important though because for whatever reason it seems like momentum is easier to carry in S2 in every ranked mode.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 21, 2015
i wish they still showed the death ration, i dunno why the show the kills and the specials used?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
i wish they still showed the death ration, i dunno why the show the kills and the specials used?
You can see it on SplatNet still. I think they took it out of the results screen just to de-emphasize shaming of those who got splatted. I wish they showed all the numbers, too, but I understand their thinking -- it's a very Nintendo thing to do.

Although, with certain weapons, you can tell how often they died by how often their special popped off. You get an aero with 0-2 special pop-offs, you know that squid died a lot.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
i wish they still showed the death ration, i dunno why the show the kills and the specials used?
They did this to emphasize positive aspects like Spaceswitchmars said. If I have 10 less splats than the other team members but 8 tenta missile launches at the end of a match, that shows how I was contributing. The information's still there for all to see, they just decided that it wasn't immediately relevant at match end.

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