A guide to points in turf war with the splattershot jr.

A guide to points in turf war with the splattershot jr.

Points can be quite important if you want to improve your gear, get money or level up (1 through 20). But how do you get lots? Well the charger, roller or blaster isn't gonna get you anywhere! The splattershot jr. is the way to go! (Please note, that certain parts of this strategy can be applied to similar weapons like the N-Zaps or the aerosprays).

At the start of the match, go in the direction that none of your teammates are going, opening up as many points as possible to you and you only. After that go around your enemies to take all the turf that they inked during the beginning of the match. (Going around your enemies can be easy or hard depending on the map. So adjust for that).
Oh no! An enemy! Well, no need to worry. If you've been going around your enemy properly and inking as much as possible your bubble should be charged and ready. Use it and take him OUT. Boom, the path is clear for you to continue. I get 800 to 1200 points per match WITHOUT the +300 for winning. REMEMBER! That this won't guarantee a win, it'll only get you a lot of points. But...

This can be a HUGE help if your team is being pushed back to the spawn. Yell "Over here!!!" Over and over and over again, so that they super jump to you to get past the guys who are splating your teammates at the spawn.
Most people won't go around your enemy, so you will most likely become the lone wolf If you don't want that, don't use this strategy.

Also, if you have any issues, criticisms or problems to point out please tell me!
First release
Last update
1.25 star(s) 4 ratings

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Short guide, not formal enough, no actual description of damage and strategy. I expected more.
This guide is just not that helpful. It would do you better to find another. The way it's explains gives off the impression that this isn't an actual strategy guide. Sorry, but, you'd be better off coming up with your own strategy.
But ranked is faster, and you can actually have fun.
Ranked is far faster. Disregard this guide.
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