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Areospray RG Guide

The Areospray RG, is just a flat out top tier weapon. The reasons being, it has the highest fire rate, it can cover so much space in so little time, it kills people like crazy (Got ten kills in one match with one death!) and has some of the best sub and special weapons in the game. We really need to talk about this.

Areospray RG (Main)

The Areospray RG has the highest fire rate in the game, maxing out the bar, the mini-gun of Splatoon, but with having a really good strong point, there has to be some weaknesses. For the Areospray RG, it is range. This thing can not very far for its life, it stinks.

Ink Mine (Sub)

The Ink Mine can be one of the most vicious sub-weapon in the game due to the fact that your opponent can’t see it, it has a killer range, it kills, and covers lots of space. The only bad thing about it is that you can only place one at a time.

Inkstrike (Special)

The Inkstrike is a very useful weapon that advanced players will use to completely turn the tide of the battle with a tornado of pure fear.

The Areospray RG, along with the Ink Mine and Inksrtike, can be used as a very aggressive tool in the heat of battle. There are a few ways to do this.

Now that you have got an Areospray RG, and learned a bit about it, you need to use it to your full potential. With the highest rate of fire, and some good aim, you can take out an inkling before they get a hit on you. Another great thing about this high fire rate is that you can cover lots of turf extremely fast. All it takes is for you to take a spot that is above the ground, and you can gain a few extra seconds in Splat Zones, or a few extra percent in turf wars.

Your ink mines can save your tentacles many times while you are using your main weapon while on the high ground. It has excellent range when it is triggers or when it just has to blow up. Let's say you are shooting away and the a roller is charging towards you and you have a landmine place a few feet away from you. You get splated? Nope! Got Eeem! Now you can say bye bye to the roller.

Your Inkstrike can be a great tool to wreak havoc on your already crippling opponents.(Assuming that you are beating them.) All you need to charge it is 200 points and you are ready to launch. It covers the area in a large circle, and kills opponents immediately if they come too close to it.

Make sure to integrate this aggressive play style integrates into your use of the Areospray RG.

Now that you know how to play an aggressive play style, it time to learn the defensive side of things.

With the main weapon, even though it is a more aggressive weapon that doesn't mean that it work as a defensive weapon. They way that you play, is you camp out, find the place where the enemy isn't, and reclaim it. You can also let the opponent come close to you, but don't let get any further, into your area.

You can use your ink mine to kill enemies that are coming too close, too quickly, since it has that perfect ability that it hides in the ink, where your enemy can't see it. Use this wisely to put a wall in front of the opponent.

Now that you have made it this far, it time to talk about how the inkstrike works defensively. The main way it to use the inkstrike to cover turf a with splatting that the opponent is trying to claim, but you can also use it to go from defense to offense by getting some turf covered making your approach much easier.

Thanks for reading! Make sure to give a rating of any kind and give an honest opinion in the comments! Make sure to tune in next time!
First release
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2.25 star(s) 4 ratings

Latest reviews

Simple guide, but what really bothers me is all the font colours, making certain paragraphs hard to read. The guide does not expand into any particular mode at all.
Not much I didn't already know, and a few spelling and grammar errors. There was some good information, but not much.
This guide is very simple and doesn't give enough insight as to how to be the most effective with it as much as it just tells you what it does. The tips for the mine were decent but in general the guide felt rushed and I didn't learn too much from it.
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