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Bombs Pros and Cons

There are 3 types of bombs in Splatoon: Burst Bombs, Splat Bombs, and Suction Bombs, and they all have ups and downs.

Burst Bombs:
Pros: These bombs can be used for 3 things. First, up close and personal fights. 2-3 of these bad boys take down an opponent. The second one is scaring people off/ long range action. Since these things pack to the punch, people back off. Also, you can get kills from long range with these. Lastly, these bombs cover ground. While not much, turf is turf, which is great because they explode right away. Bonus: you can throw 4 of these on 1 ink tank!
Cons: Sadly, these bombs cannot be spammed, you have to wait for the last one to explode to throw another. Also, these things aren't exactly powerful.
Techniques: Spam these babies when confronted. As long as you keep a distance and aim correctly, you should be alright.

Splat Bombs:
Pros: These are the most balanced bombs in the game. They explode after 1 second and, within range, get you a kill. Since these kill with 1 bomb, they really scare others. And, obviously, they cover ground, with a bigger radius than the burst bomb.
Cons: Since these explode after 1 second, it can be easy for your foes to escape. Also, these bombs take A LOT of ink. No matter how many ink saver subs you've got, you can only throw 1 of these per ink tank.
Techniques: Throw one of these from high spots to fill an area, and, if you're lucky, a kill. Also, keep note of which way a for is going and throw one of these suckers that way.

Suction Bombs:
Pros: These bad boys pack to the punch. They have a huge blast radius, and anybody in that gets inked! They also stick to any surface! Want to squid up a wall? Throw this bomb at it. Also, they REALLY scare people, even me. They also ink the most turf of the bombs.
Cons: To balance for the blast radius, these things explode after 2-3 seconds, making it almost impossible to get a kill with these. Unless you catch someone off guard, which is hard due to the noise. They also take up 80% of your ink tank.
Techniques: Throw these if you think someone is hiding in ink, they will swim away. Also, if you are outside the ememies base, throw some of these in there to get good turf, points, and maybe a kill. Make use of the suction, throw one of these at a wall where a foe won't expect and BOOM!

In conclusion, if you want kills, go for the Burst Bombs or the Splat Bombs. If you want to cover a lot of turf, go nowhere else than the Suction bomb or the Splat Bombs. If you want the most balance bomb, pick up the Splat Bomb.

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Shaan Ahmed
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Provides some insight into the use of bombs for varied uses. But some of the information is either inaccurate or vague. Pictures could really help this out.

Splat Bombs explode exactly 1 second after touching the ground. Suction Bombs explode closer to 2 seconds after they suction to a surface, not 5. Some more information on uses and techniques used for each could be useful in helping people use the right bomb for their playstyle.
Shaan Ahmed
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my guide. I have fixed some of the issues, and will add pictures soon.
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