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Remember to NOT paint your base before you go to the battle

Hi! I'm Palas [NNID: JPalas] and this is my first guide at Squidboards and in general. I consider myself good at the game and I want to share with you some of my thoughts when I start a Turf War battle.

The majority of people cover their bases before they go to the battle, and they are doing it WRONG, why? Let me cover some of the points that I think matter a lot more than cover your base at the beginning of a match.

Control of a Zone.- I know, we are not playing Splat Zones, but that doesn't mean we aren't controlling an specific point. I've fought countless of battles where my team controls the center of the map and, thanks to the pressure we're applying to the enemy team, we will most likely win

Free Special Charge.- When you die without using a special you save a percentage of the meter, however, if your base is already fully inked you won't be able to charge your special before you arrive into the battle, this is specially useful when using Inkzooka and Inkstrike for zoning if your team is being pushed back.

You can cover it whenever you want.- Unlike the center of the map, there aren't enemies at your base (as long as you zone them well from it of course) so you can cover it whenever you want, if you die or if you just don't have anything to do at the moment and super jump to your base to fill it (and as the second point states, fill your special gauge a bit)​

I think that is enough proof of why painting your base isn't as good as you might think, althought is not terrible or gamebreaking, leaving areas uncovered at your base can give you some advantages.

Thanks for reading my guide, hopefully I'll make more in the future and make some charts and graphics to make it look beautiful.
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3.80 star(s) 10 ratings

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Fair points, but definitely lacking counter arguments, such as a higher risk to being wiped out by the opposing team with all Special Weapons fully charged.
Really helped me. But it can be argued against so 4 stars.
The moment I started doing that my special began to grew faster and I began to win matches at 1st place! Good Tip!
Although you make a few good points the cons of not inking your base outweights your two pros. You can fill your special meter in the first 30 sec or so once you make it to the center by inking your base giving you the edge compared to some one who did not. What if your team gets pushed back and due to the low amount of routes you can't push forward? It'll make the match completely one sided. "You can cover it when ever you want" I don't see filing your special as much of a priority as having control of your base. If you're going against a good team you should be constantly filling your special since both teams are going back and forth covering each others ink.
While I see what your saying you don't really weigh the tactical advantages of keeping your base inked... since both teams are trying to push each other towards their bases, I just heavily disagree that it shouldn't be inked. I've lost matches due to having few routes back to into the middle, and the opponent having a lot mobility once they start pushing towards our base, not to mention that if the opponent has fully inked their own base, and the middle is fairly uncontested and your own base is poorly inked...

you will likely lose. It's not to say this strategy isn't worth it's salt sometimes, but there's something to be said about losing because nobody inked the base much. That loss --- hurts.
I never thought of this before. I'm going to start applying this idea.
Thanks for putting this up for others to read. Never thought about needing the base area to feed a special close to the end of a round.
Thanks for the guide!
Clear and concise. Though you should also bring up the fact that if you don't push, they will, and that can cause all the time you spent inking the base to be wasted.
This definitely needs to be said more. Inking your base at the beginning gives away a HUGE potential advantage (such as control of the middle) for something that can, like you said, be done at any time.

Another thing to keep in mind are special spots on the map that tend to hold strategic value. For example, if you are playing a Krakon Roller, getting a waypoint down deep into the enemy's base is usually much easier if you can rush there. Or, securing a good sniping spot before the enemy team even arrives.

After you die, chances are you are now free to spend a little more time covering your base. What I typically do is spend a couple seconds after each death to hit up a few corners or so before charging back into battle.
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