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Splat Rollers Guide

Getting around:

The regular roller has a decent moving speed but the fastest way to travel is to flick some ink and then swim and then repeat. This might not be as effective as just rolling down ink to claim turf but if done correctly (tilting the gamepad up a little right before the apex of the flick will increase the spread of the flick), will ensure a quicker way of getting around. Also, this method is much better as when you flick you can also hit enemies and makes yourself less vulnerable in comparison to just rolling down ink.


NEVER ATTACK WHEN OUTRANGED! The only time you should attack is when you have the advantage in combat or are being threatened and cannot run away (as a last resort). Some good techniques to keep in mind, Hide and seek: this trick is pretty basic, hide in your ink without being spotted and then when your enemies least expect it jump out and attack. Swerving: the name kind of gives away what you do, in this technique you quickly flick then duck move to the side pop and flick, then go back in the direction that came and then rinse and repeat (when I say go back I mean go side to side while still moving forward). 1800 attack: this one is pretty hard but what you do (in the practice area) you go up to a dummy face away from it the spin 180 as you flick so that when the action is complete the dummy should be splatted (it might take a while to get right).


In the game as a roller, your job is to support the offensive players and also backup the charger if he/she feels pressured. The ways that you can do this is to keep map control (inking the turf) charge up your special (killer whale or Kraken) to help or assist the other players.


This refers to when in a game if you are losing or winning, to put it simply, when you are winning you play offensive and either hold your position or advance to put pressure on the other team or if you are losing then you play defensive playing it safe and try and pressure the enemy so that you can get back control. So what you do when you’re winning: ink up as much turf and try to get your special charged up as quickly as you can then use your special to either splat or pressure the opponents that they get pushed back. Basically, stay behind the pack just in case if the enemy gets pass and take them out asap (this strategy will vary depending on the game mode)

What to do when you’re losing: hold back behind the main attackers and help assist them in getting the objective and to also try and flank the enemy to hopefully distract them away from your teammates.

I hope you found this guide somewhat helpful. It is my first one so if you have any ways of improving or felt that I’ve missed anything please let me know and I will fix it in the future.
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4.00 star(s) 2 ratings

Latest reviews

Decent guide, does what it needs to do. Pretty standard. Nice job.
A decent guide, but when I play the roller I play offensive and it works out. I personally hate supporting as a roller. I am a really offensive one. I launch the pushes, start to pressure the other team, and really am a offensive player with the roller. The charger supports ME :). But this is only my opinion, everything else was good and nice.
thx for the feedback
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