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Splattershot Jr. Abilities and Gear

Hi y'all! My name is Sam and I'm here to tell you about what I think are good abilities for the splattershot Jr.

The junior is the 1st weapon you get, but don't underestimate it! It is a powerhouse of a weapon. It has the 2nd fastest fire rate in the game, and is a 4 shot kill with each shot doing 28 damage. It has a short range, so it is all about being up close and personal. The issue is its wide spread. It's pretty huge. It may turn some users away, but you can use the horrible accuracy to your advantage. Because of its wide spread, you will get bubblers frequently. The bubbler is a key part of the Jr. It allows the Jr to escape a firefight, or push into one. The splat bomb is also great. The bomb allows you to space out enemies and to pressure them away. The Jr can be very aggressive, or more of a support and map control style. No matter the playstyle you use for the Jr, there is one ability you MUST use. It's swim speed up:ability_swimspeed:. Swim speed up allows you to approach enemies quicker and allows swim strafing to be more effective. The faster you are moving, the faster you can retreat if somebody gets too close for comfort. Swim speed is great on any weapon, especially the Jr.

For other abilities, it's really up to your preference. I noticed that defence up :ability_defenseup:is great on the Jr as it allows you to be a lot more aggressive. Bomb range up :ability_bombrange:is good for tower control and rainmaker as you can throw your bombs farther, without endangering yourself. Ink saver sub :ability_inksaversub: is something I always enjoy having, you use less ink on expensive splat bombs. I personally recommend the fugu tee,:clothes_tes010: it has swim speed up as its main abilitiy, and is a firefin brand. Other good abilities are quick respawn:ability_quickrespawn:, special saver:ability_specialsaver:, special charge up:ability_specialcharge:, run speed up:ability_runspeed:, and ink resistance up:ability_inkresistance:.

Now on to gear. I personally run the lightweight cap:head_cap001:, with 1 swim speed up sub and two defense up subs. Then I run the fugu tee:clothes_tes010:, with three sub savers. Lastly, I run the squid stitch slip ons :shoes_slp002: with one defense up sub and two swim speed up subs. This allows me to have 3 mains of swim speed and 2 mains of defense. You could also use the red high tops:shoes_shi005:, or oyster clogs:shoes_sdl000:.
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The Guide is insightful to know how to associate what abilities are best to use with the splattershot jr., but the guide isn't well organized and doesn't go through why the "other good abilities" are useful. They're kind of just thrown out there for people to assume how those perks help the jr. specifically. The last problem I have with this guide is how you never talk about the jr's efficiency, because it's the best in the game. So I wouldn't recommend sub saver if you're not throwing two bombs at once.

Sorry if I ranted a bit, but this guide could be better if you organized it a bit more and explained why you selected your perks a bit deeper. If you fix those two things, this guide would be a lot better and help people learn about the jr's capacity.
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