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Splattershot Jr. Guide for Turf War with Line Theory

Splattershot Jr. Guide for Turf War with Line Theory

v1.0 Original 8 June 2015

The Splattershot Jr. is the first weapon set you get in the game, but it’s still good enough to hold its own at level 20 and in ranked battles. It’s a versatile weapon that can fulfill many roles and is relatively easy to use. Its cousin, the Custom Splattershot Jr., is also useful, but not the focus of this particular guide. Hopefully this will shed some light on how it can work better for you and what it specifically is best at.


The Splattershot Jr. is a short ranged weapon with good spread, good splatting power, and good ink coverage. It splats in 4 shots on everything relevant in the game, only being pushed to 5 against an opponent with 3 major defense boosts. Its high rate of fire combined with decent spread makes it a very forgiving weapon that does not require great aiming skill. Its range is very short, though, only beating out the Aerospray series.


It comes with Splat Bomb as its sub weapon. A standard grenade, this type of weapon is familiar to anyone with prior shooter experience and easy to get a handle on. It still has Splatoon specific quirks, though, as you cannot cook it, and the timer only activates on the ground, making rolling it more desirable than lobbing in most situations.


Its special is the Bubbler. The Bubbler is another ability that is very easy to use and understand. Its an invincibility shield that lasts for a few seconds. It also gives the shield to any nearby allies, but they’re all set on the same timer. You can’t chain it to give to someone at the last second to give them the full length of the shield. Be careful, though, as hits will push you backwards, which can knock you out of your weapon’s firing range or off the stage into water.


The Splattershot Jr. can fulfil a variety of roles in Turf War. In the next section, I will be talking about it in terms of Line Theory, which you can read up on here.


The Splattershot Jr. is more suited to defensive openings in Turf War. In the beginning, it will not have the ink down needed to make ambushes, or its special ready to push up safely. With its ability to easily ink ground, it can cover the base and quickly get the Bubbler ready for use at the line. It can also perform early maintenance for a team going with an offensive opening. The Splattershot Jr. user can stay back and cover the base while the rest of its teammates are up at the line, making for a good offensive defensive hybrid of an opening.

It isn’t suited by itself for an offensive opening, but with good teamwork, it has the tools to make offense work. Smart play with its high splatting power can make quick work of reckless opponents pushing too far ahead, and the Splat Bomb can put long range safe pressure on an advancing team.


The Splattershot Jr. has two main ways to hold the line. It can swim covertly around in friendly ink to pop up for an ambush on anyone who approaches a seemingly safe area. Ambushing is also a great way to take out opponents who have broken the line. This type of play needs to be aware of Aerosprays, which will beat it out in a neutral 1 on 1 fight up close, and invincibility specials such as the Kraken and Bubbler someone might have in their pocket.

The other way it can hold is pressure with Splat Bombs. Throwing a Splat Bomb down at your feet or towards a possibly advancing enemy is a huge threat that they or forced to respect, or get splatted. This can’t be spammed constantly, though, as it does not have Bomb Rush, and at default, Splat Bombs take 80% of your ammo capacity.

Due to its high inking power, Splattershot Jr. can also take on a maintenance role, covering up the trail of an opponent who slipped through or the occasional Ink Strike that landed in your area.


The Splattershot Jr. excels at line breaks. Its high splatting power up close makes it a dangerous weapon to go up against. If there is even a momentary weakness in defenses, the Splattershot Jr. can fly up can quickly splat the vulnerable opponent.

Splat Bomb pressure can quickly turn into Splat Bomb break attempts if it’s thrown deep enough into the enemy line. A perfectly placed bomb can force an opponent away, making for a temporary weakness in defenses that can be easily exploited.

It also has the Bubbler, which can turn a stalemate into a coordinated team push through the enemy line. The Bubbler is especially strong because there is almost no way anyone can disrespect it and try to contest a team of invincible inklings coming at them.

Once behind the line the Splattershot Jr. has a variety of options. Its inking power lets it easily harass by just spreading ink everywhere. If it still has a Bubbler ready, it can defend itself against anyone trying to take it out quickly, either by splatting them or forcing a retreat, prolonging the time they are sitting behind the line.

With great ambush ability, it can sneak up on entrenched chargers to weaken the line further for a push or a team wipe. And again, if it has Bubbler saved up, it can coordinate with teammates for a next to invincible pincer attack forcing either a wipe or a large retreat by the enemy.


The Splattershot Jr. is a versatile weapon set that is easy to use in the beginning, but still holds its own in higher level play. It’s a great aggressive weapon that will resonate with ambush loving offensive players, and it is so self contained that it can easily be used solo, but really shines bright in coordinated teams.
The Apple BOOM
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A well written guide, the video excellently displays scenarios where the SSJ excels in.
Nice, it really is a more offensive version of the custom, where the custom seems built more for disabling and harassing the opponent --- while keeping the versatility of the main weapon. I liked your guide!
Great perspective on the mentality of a Splattershot Jr. user. I'll be using this to my advantage in the future!

Definitely a fan of the choice to read or listen. Please make a disclaimer for this, though - I have a [what I believe to be] common habit of reading before I look at the video.
Thankyou for the guide, i feel more confident in using the Splattershot Jr. Looking forward to more :)
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