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The Squid Beakon: A Technologcal Titan

Hi Squids and Kids! This is going to be my first guide, so I'm going to keep it rather basic. I will go more in-depth about the Squid Beakon in the future, but for now I would just like to clear up some of the ways that you can make use of this great sub weapon and some misconceptions about its use and power. So, without further ado, let's get started!

The weapons that can use this sub are: Krak-on Splat Roller, Octobrush, Sploosh-o-Matic, Custom Dual Squelcher, and the Custom E-liter 3k and its Scope. There you go, the 6 different weapons that can use the Squid Beakon. But which ones can make use of it? Well, the roller and the brush are both closer range weapons, which hinders the overall versatility of the Squid Beakon, since you will most likely be in the middle of the fray most of the match, you have minimal time to place the Beakon, and you won't be looking for an out-of-the-way location to place it, either. The Custom E-liters work quite well with the Beakon, allowing them to get back to sniping post with minimal effort, risk, and tim-lost. However, since these weapons are purely long-range and the Beakons are great spots for an enemy to wait in ambush, you will be dying a lot to close range ambushes.

This leaves the Sploosh-o-Matic and the Custom Dual Squelcher. In my opinion, these two are the best users of the Squid Beakon. They both preform a similar role: To ambush the enemy team from behind. Because of their rate of fire, they can easily get behind enemy lines, set up a few Squid Beakons, and be set for the rest of the match. I cannot tell you how many times enemies have simply ignored my Squid Beakons when they are just out in the open. You don't need to find the perfect location for the Beakon, just a good enough one to keep it there for at least 30 seconds. Once you've done that, regroup with your team. When you die, just jump back to your Squid Beakon, put down another one, and mow the other team down from behind. The Squid Beacon is one of the best subs for this reason. You can sweep an entire team with it simply because you had the element of surprise. The Sploosh-o-Matic and the Dual Squelcher are very different weapons and preform very different jobs, so I would recomend the Sploosh on Turf Wars and Splat Zones due to its ability to claim turf incredibly quick and the Dual Squelcher on Rainmaker and Tower Control thanks to it's long range and high accuracy making it easy to pick off the enemies carrying the payload.

Now, as I stated above, the main use of the Squid Beakon is the element of surprise. When the enemy thinks they have their back covered by their ink, you just come in and ruin their day. Setting up all three Squid Beakons makes it much harder for your enemies to predict where you will come from, but three is not always neccesary. I would recomend striving for 2 at any time. This allows you to rest fairly easy knowing that if one is destroyed, you alays have a second option. Now, a big misconception I hear about the Squid Beacon is that you should be using it to soak up damage or bait out enemies, but this entirely wrong. The squid beacon costs 90% of yor ink tank to place, and to have it destoyed is a waste. If you want a shield or bait, then use Splash Wall or Sprinkler respectivey. They both do a much better job of it. The Squid Beakon is used to surprise your enemies and get yor allies back into the fight as quickly as possible.

Take this for an example: You are in a 4v4 fight. One of your allies rushes in and takes out an enemy, but dies in the process. Now, the respawned enemy has 2 options: run and swim back to the fight, slow and safe, or super jump to an ally, quick but risky. Your teammate has a third option, though: the Squid Beakon! Using the Squid Beacon is both fast and safe, meaning your ally will get back much quicker and safer then the enemy. You will win that 4v4. That is the importance and power of the Squid Beakon.
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Simplistic and straight to the point, and I strongly agree with your overall points. As an octobrush main, I pride on my beacons. You also give good examples and you're clear. Nice!
Really good guide, really good example as well, made me realise how good the beakon is after hating it for a while.
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