Wow.. Splattershot Jr. is broken..

Wow.. Splattershot Jr. is broken..

Hello and welcome to my Splattershot Jr. guide. I figured it would be fun to give my two cents on a weapon I find very, very good. I plan to do these in parts as when inspiration or ideas hit me. I will do my best to make these short and to the point for the most part. Exact details and such I'll be tossing in every so often, but nothing major. Also, most of my talk currently will be of Turf War. If this does well enough I'll expand to other modes / weapons.
BUT ENOUGH OF THAT, lets get to the Guide.
Hope this all proves some use to someone out there.

Part 1: Entry

Starting off with the SSJ is extremely straightforward, as is most of the game. Your first goal is 200 points. That will get you your special weapon, the bubbler, and give you a huge advantage on any opposing threats. While gaining this 200 you want to make your way mid-map, covering 90% of the space you walk over to get to your spot, where most of the fighting would start. Any route is alright to take, so long as you try to stick to one "wall" or "edge" of the map. There ARE a few maps that you can't exactly "stick to the wall" in. Ex. Arowana Mall / Saltspray Rig. But I won't get into map specifics unless requested, or something important to them comes up. The SSJ excels in taking people 1v1 and your special makes you near unbeatable. With that said, you don't really want to head to the middle of the map until you have an attack and escape plan.

After gaining said 200 points you want to decide whether you want to be aggressive, or wait out the a few seconds to decide your next move. A big part of this decision is your opening frag. (Kill). If you made it to your mark and, depending on the map, had no contest in the area you arrived in, good. Check your map to see how the map is being covered as well as the kills and deaths of both teams. On smaller maps, if you notice the enemy is down one or covering one side of the map that you aren't near, hold your spot. Your main focus for the first 30/45 seconds should be covering enemy ink / not allowing them to advance over the progress you just made. Covering blank space is important as well, but when it comes to points you wont need much more after getting your SW (I know points ARE important, but defense is a very key part to winning. The points will come as well.) This also goes with watching the enemies covering. If there is a decently sized empty space, and a slightly bigger enemy-ink covered space with one or no people defending it next to each other, go for the enemy-ink. You get just as many points from covering an empty space AND you take away that enemies coverage. Its a win win. The empty space to cover can be used to give you a semi-constant flow of points while defending or even a second SW.

If you did score your opening kill as you reached your spot, I suggest taking two steps. One, check for a second enemy. And two, cover the spots your enemy covered, as well as their path to get to the spot. Once you have done this use what was said above to make your next choice. Defend and cover. Also, DO NOT be afraid to use your SW. It is there for your use. That's the whole reason for the important first 200 points that I cannot stress enough. If using for a while and you feel comfortable just activate at your leisure, but if you feel a bit worried or uncertain, make sure you're in firing range and activate it as soon as you start your fight.

Part 2: Ink Spray and Bubbler usage

I deem this part two because there isn't much for me to go on about, and I could toss it in with part one. As well as ink spray is important for entry.

The SSJ's ink spray is very straight forward. Literally. Aim forward. Its rate of fire and spread usually allows the area you are shooting over to be covered near fully without having to look at the ground. The areas it does miss can be covered by the "droplets" that fall at your feet as you move. I've yet to actually time it but I would like to say it drops one about every 1.5 seconds. Give or take. After covering the points in front of you, duck in to regain some ink and repeat. Hoping you read this far I'm going to say something I should have in Part one I know I'm sorry, but when using this method it is aimed to help you move as quickly as possible to where you want to go while covering as much space as you can. Not exactly meant for you to just walk around the map spraying your gun. But I'm not your mom you can do what you want. Though be warned you cannot use the "droplet" effectively in enemy ink. It does too much damage and slows you down too much. Its best to just aim at the ground for that.

So most important things about the spray. Always aim forward unless you NEED to look at the ground. Use the "droplets" they help a LOT. And remember it sprays in a cone rather than straight forward, it really helps in covering / firefights near corners.

The bubbler is your lord and savior. It can get you out of almost any situation with the correct application. Do not hold back. ALWAYS use it when you have the slightest bit of doubt in your mind, whether it be against a SplatRoller or a Splattershot. Do not hesitate. Or you just might find yourself cursing you didn't use it. If you ever come to a point where you are in a 2v1 or ambushed, You are in the lead. The shield can't break and you are pushed back ever so slightly when hit. Just turn to your enemy and ink them up.
A bit of advice when being aggressive with the bubbler, make sure you are in range to do damage. A good player will always back off of an active bubbler. So either don't give them a chance to back away, or cut off their exit.

And with that Ill say this is the end of parts 1 and 2.
My next part will be talking about Mid-game and Attacking the enemy. Should be out soon enough. I hope this helped someone. Till next time.

Staaaay Fresh!

I'm sorry. I won't ever do that again.
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Metal Slug
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Solid but general advice. Expansion would also be appreciated for other modes.
Thank you very much for the guide. Now I know how strong Splattershot Jr. is in both Turf Wars and Splat Zones. The Bubbler factor can make a difference between victory and defeat.
This helped out a lot. Maby I can use the SSP to its potential now.
Metal Slug
Metal Slug
Good ! I hope later parts help you even more.
I love the guide and I also think it is broken! XD
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