Recent content by Amit

  1. Amit

    Any pokemon players/fans here???

  2. Amit

    Any pokemon players/fans here???

    ive been playing since swsh, and i really like it! funnily enough im returning to swsh atm just to shiny hunt some legendaries i havent yet, Dynamax Adventures are NOT forgiving XD
  3. Amit

    Any pokemon players/fans here???

    ME! I love VGC and shiny hunting :3
  4. Amit

    Who's your favorite comp player?

    has to be omega, bc i think hes the best carbon atm
  5. Amit


  6. Amit

    oh we are so back

  7. Amit

    Now that we aren’t on Twitter

    dynamo was in the lower tiers ever since the end of s1 (ig it had a semi viable kit in s2 but was still overshadowed), so i think it deserves a chance to shine again. id like to see it become a viable cooler option bc rn the only ones are pencil and zap.
  8. Amit

    What would you want in a pencil nerf

    paint and range. it paints way too wide and way too far for what it can do. id say make it paint a little narrower and a little less far away. and if were feeling good maybe 210 it
  9. Amit

    Where were you when squidboards was revive?

    we are so back
  10. Amit

    Where were you when squidboards was revive?

    we are so back
  11. Amit

    Dynamo got buffed. How is it now?

    its really cool! its much easier to kill with now, however it still needs more buffs to be relevant. if they nerf pencil and zap it might be an actually viable cooler option, who knows.
  12. Amit

    squidboards here we go

    oh right, my intro. i play carbon roller, im div 7 and i love splatoon :3 i also stream on twitch sometimes! feel free to drop by at
  13. Amit

    squidboards here we go

    ngl i like this platform, feels much nicer than twitter
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