Recent content by AxlCrash31

  1. AxlCrash31

    "Shooter," "Charger," or "Roller?"

    I choose standard because it fits more of my playstyle. I like attacking enemies from a fair distance. I can also do close combat, but sniping from far away really isn't my thing.
  2. AxlCrash31


    Borderlands was also one of my favorites.
  3. AxlCrash31

    Which Gamemode Do You Think Will Be The Most Fun?

    I think I'll be spending most of my time on turf war. I do want to get on ranked so I'll be playing Splat zones and Tower control time to time.
  4. AxlCrash31

    The Paintbrush

    It looks like a good weapon for players who want to go out and fight other players. I don't know if it will do much good in spreading ink all across the map.
  5. AxlCrash31


    Hello everybody. I am Axl Crash, But Axl is fine. Ever since I saw this game at E3, I fell in love with it. I have have it already pre-ordered at gamestop and it will be ready to be picked up at May 29th. I did play all 3 hours of the Global testfire. It was everything I expected it to be. My...
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