Recent content by CottonBun

  1. CottonBun

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    I don't see the reason to...? I'm sorry.
  2. CottonBun

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    Actually, it's because I've been going through the LucasArts adventure games recently ( Monkey Island/Sam&Max/ect. ) and I just recognized the outfits :) (what is more um... there's no link to your tumblr?)
  3. CottonBun

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    Thank you! ... I wasn't really thinking about selling them.. maybe when I'll make more :)
  4. CottonBun

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    Um... "The day of the Tentacle"?
  5. CottonBun

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    It's not really a drawn fan-art (more of a fan-craft!), but I made a few squiddy charms this weekend and wanted to share :)
  6. CottonBun

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    The artist is from Pixiv! Here's their page! ( I've been trying to find the sources of the previously found fanarts and unfortunately I think the PKMNcross one is a lost cause... :( )
  7. CottonBun

    Official Splatoon Fan Art Thread!

    I don't have a lot of finished pieces, other than the contest entry, though I made a few sketches over the past months. Most of them come from my twitter/tumblr. Hope you like them! ( Hid under spoiler. Didn't want to stretch the post...) Um.. a girl :p
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