Recent content by EirikN

  1. EirikN

    PROJECT SQUIDFEST: An IN-PERSON Splatoon Event / Tournament [Survey]

    Who said I've abandoned the project completely? While it would be best to keep in touch with people about it, it's a personal project, and I'm taking my time with it. I recently came off interviewing Baird over winter break. It's a venture I thought of a year ago and it's been put on hold. I...
  2. EirikN

    PROJECT SQUIDFEST: An IN-PERSON Splatoon Event / Tournament [Survey]

    Hi Tifa! I'm... sorry? Please elaborate a bit further if you could. EndGameTV hasn't done an irl meetup before, nor I don't think it's advertised one. I have personally suggested and proposed meetups in the Mario Kart communities, but nothing ever gained enough traction to move through with it...
  3. EirikN

    PROJECT SQUIDFEST: An IN-PERSON Splatoon Event / Tournament [Survey]

    Hey everyone! Eirik from EndGameTV here. We're in the process of releasing a new website, our new Splatoon Premier League, hosting a Smash Bros tournament in Seattle, creating a community channel, and lots more exciting stuff! But of all the things possible, this is the most exciting; PROJECT...
  4. EirikN

    Squidboards Monthly Rankings

    BTM is a literal god
  5. EirikN

    Presenting: Leagues Under The Ink - Season 1 Signups

    This is awesome. Exactly what the community needs. Also, whoever did the graphics -- job well done. Really, really like the idea of free agents. Only gripe I could have is the name of it, which is long and not as easy to spread the word of it, especially to newcomers. Curious how you guys...
  6. EirikN

    [October 10-11] INKSTORM I - EndGame Circuit - $500+ Prize Pool - Presented by EndGameTV

    Bracket is up and working at
  7. EirikN

    [October 10-11] INKSTORM I - EndGame Circuit - $500+ Prize Pool - Presented by EndGameTV

    STREAMING AND MATCH RECORDING STREAMING GUIDELINES The whole event depends on streams. Any stream of a match is appreciated! Optimal streams will be those that have *only* gameplay. That means, gameplay video and gameplay audio only. This allows for the best broadcast experience. PLEASE set...
  8. EirikN

    [October 10-11] INKSTORM I - EndGame Circuit - $500+ Prize Pool - Presented by EndGameTV

    GROUPS, SCHEDULES, AND GAMETYPES ARE RELEASED Please visit our tournament page for more information. You can view your scheduled matches by clicking on "INKSTORM I - GROUPS AND SCHEDULE." There, you can view which teams play each other, in what order teams play, and gametypes (2nd tab). For...
  9. EirikN

    [October 10-11] INKSTORM I - EndGame Circuit - $500+ Prize Pool - Presented by EndGameTV

    CALLING ALL COMMENTATORS! If you're interested commentating Splatoon and this weekend's InkStorm please fill out this form:
  10. EirikN

    [October 10-11] INKSTORM I - EndGame Circuit - $500+ Prize Pool - Presented by EndGameTV

    Can't believe you guys. Y'all are the BOMB.jpg. Those that wish to front other team's entry fees, PM me. We'll talk on Discord/IM and get the details formalized.
  11. EirikN

    The 2015 Fall EndGame Circuit & eSPL Season 1

    We've thrown around the term before, but it's time you guys know: The 2015 Fall EndGame Circuit is here for Splatoon! Hosted throughout the fall season, the EndGame Circuit is an open invitation to all Splat teams interested in competition. What is the EndGame Circuit? The EndGame Circuit is...
  12. EirikN

    [October 10-11] INKSTORM I - EndGame Circuit - $500+ Prize Pool - Presented by EndGameTV

    I'm not sure why feedback threads are needed, especially when... nothing's happened. If you have something to tell us about how we can improve, let us know in this thread, which it's been made for. Alternatively, you can just hit us up on Discord. :P
  13. EirikN

    [October 10-11] INKSTORM I - EndGame Circuit - $500+ Prize Pool - Presented by EndGameTV

    No problem mate. Feedback is appreciated! More than anything, I think it's so that a team never finds themself in a group with 2-3 overly impressive teams and have no way into bracket. Since top 2 advances, it allows other teams a better chance to gain more tournament experience and play more.
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