Grushi's latest activity

  • Grushi
    Grushi reacted to sevenleaf's status with Wow Wow.
    valentine Day (i have no valentine but im going to a dance tonight 😈)
  • Grushi
    Grushi reacted to neonscreenlight's status with Like Like.
    i found a community (new feature) on tumblr dedicated to roleplaying the social media in splatoon and i have been obsessed. even if i...
  • Grushi
    Grushi replied to the thread Patch Hopes for 9.3.0.
    You know what? I got a good feeling about this one. I'm pretty satisfied with the game's balance as it is, since coming back to tent...
  • Grushi
    Grushi reacted to isaac4's post in the thread Patch Hopes for 9.3.0 with Wow Wow.
    This is my third time typing this. Explosher - ink cost per slosh decreased from 11.7% > 11.1% Slosher - ink cost per slosh decreased...
  • Grushi
    The massive eyebags on the art are very accurate LMAO. It's so cute I love it I'm happy we got to try the tent/splatling combo in...
  • Grushi
    Thank you for making this tournament thread so I wouldn't have to inevitably do it instead, lol. I personally don't have a lot to add...
  • Grushi
    Hey, hi! It's me, Quag again :) But this time I'm not here to talk about Splatlings :0 (though one will be mentioned) Recently a...
  • Grushi
    Grushi updated their status.
    You're telling me I wake up at 6 just to play X rank and the server is under maintenance??? 😭
  • Grushi
    Grushi reacted to Aiko.Octo's status with Like Like.
    Ohh, my squidboards-iversary was yesterday. Can't believe how much has happened in just a year.
  • Grushi
    Grushi updated their status.
    My toxic Splatoon trait is watching top JP players' vods, being all humble and appreciative when they win, but going 'GOOD, I'm GLAD you...
  • Grushi
    Grushi reacted to isaac4's post in the thread Reworking Sub Weapon Balance with Like Like.
    I can understand why you might have taken offense to the wording used in the initial response but outside of that, their post does not...
  • Grushi
    Grushi replied to the thread Reworking Sub Weapon Balance.
    @OnePotWonder please just knock it down a little when arguing about game balance, there's no need to get so defensive over this, it's...
  • Grushi
    Grushi reacted to Vidknight's comment on Grushi's profile post with Like Like.
    Challenge accepted
  • Grushi
    Grushi commented on Grushi's profile post.
    Thanks! Now it's your turn to win Reach >:) Really happy with how I played on our zones games in the later sets, I had way more...
  • Grushi
    Grushi reacted to Vidknight's comment on Grushi's profile post with Like Like.
    Oddly this kind of motivated me. I went "I can't be outperformed by grushi >:(" Ok jokes aside though congrats man I can see you're a...
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