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That's the same set I run for E-litre 3K Scope except replace the squash headband with the legendary cap w/ 3 damage subs. If you're playing custom, I suggest throwing in some special saver and swim speed in there for the kraken.
I'm a level 46 S+ 52. gal main, but I decided to start practicing the e-liter yesterday, I'm only going to be using the e-liter for the next few weeks so I can get used to the whole charger mechanic. I'm not willing to lose points in solo ranked by using the e-liter, so I'd prefer if I could...
When I was in B+, I constantly complained about bad teammates and the lot, then I realised that even though I was getting the most splats in 99% of my games, I wasn't playing the objective; I was being selfish. I can almost guarantee you're either doing that, or you're straight up incompetent...