Recent content by jrensink78

  1. J

    The Bragging Thread

    I was so fearsome on Moray TC yesterday that about 10 seconds into the match, not only did 2 of my teammates disconnect because they knew that they weren't going to be able to contribute, but so did the ENTIRE enemy team. I rode the tower all the way to victory with my sniper friend along for...
  2. J

    The Bragging Thread

    Was playing rainmaker on Hammerhead Bridge. I died after a small push for the lead (maybe to 60ish) and noticed everyone on my team was dead. Then I noticed 2 people weren't coming back. It ended up being a 2v3 with a good 3 minutes to go. I figured that we were probably going to have a hard...
  3. J

    Should I save scum?

    I say just use SplatHax if you want to get specific abilities. I get why people choose not to do it. But I don't have an issue with using it to simply avoid the grind of the RNG to get abilities that you can legitimately get with enough time/luck through normal game play. Part of the fun of...
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