Recent content by Liam337

  1. L

    Something needs to be done about players dropping out of ranked matches.

    We have all been there. You are trying to rank up and you start your ranked match and you soon notice you are getting destroyed. You look at your teammates and you see one of them isn't respawning. Then you get mad because it is impossible to win. Spaltoon needs four players one player less and...
  2. L

    New inkling needs help

    Make sure you use motion controls and there are plenty of guides for all chargers on the guides section of this site.
  3. L

    Tri Slosher- Strategy and Gear?

    Thanks I'll try it out
  4. L

    Tri Slosher- Strategy and Gear?

    I've been thinking about using the tri slosher but I don't know what gear to use and what strategy to use. Any Ideas?
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