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Genesis Wave is now a year old! I kinda can't believe its only been that long, but at the same time, I remember our first season of LUTI like it was yesterday. Looking forward to whats to come this year!
This always has been tricky for me since I work best with limitations, but assuming I get to keep the other kits, I'd like to see this as Jr's third kit. I feel like the OG kit has a good balance of capabilities, and while the Custom leans into providing info to your teammates, I think another...
WOOO Genesis Wave is now DIV 9 after nearly a year of work!!! It feels very good to know we are now in the same div as others teams here we have scrimed and crossed paths with
My best maps tend to be overall small plus flat towards the middle, likely because Im a slayer and my bomb placement is a lot more consistent on those. For Zones, my favorite map is Mahi, with an honorable mention for maps like Barnacle and ROMen, while my least favorites are maps Scorch and...
I'd love to give Splatoon with mouse controls a try (I eagerly will if we are able!) though I will admit, if we have to constantly hold such a small and thin controller on its side like in the trailer, I imagine it'd feel pretty uncomfortable or flimsy? If I pretend to use a current joycon as a...
I've played through each Splatoon as they released, but Splatoon 3 is the only one I played consistently and competitively, so I may or may not be biased...
Favorite: S3 Splattershot Jr. (Splat Bomb/Big Bubbler)
This kit is one of the best kits in the game. Many outsiders hate it due to the...