Kinda Nuts
Outta nowhere we gettin 9.3.0 by the looks of it. Only in Japanese so far
Will post a translation shortly
Will post a translation shortly
Let's wait until the patch is actually out first before we see about its meta status. Reduced paint output and increased PFS is still a really big deal even with SCU.THEY NERFED PENCIL, it’s still gonna be meta. Even with a small paint reduction +more p per special, the meta is either gonna be more special charge up, and heavy edit
I know I just said how important it is that this weapon stays slow but please don't [nerf its attacking speed]. This has only ever served to make things feel worse to play with and to mess with muscle memory. It's not like the weapons is overpowered or shutting things out of the meta so we shouldn't be reaching for last resort solutions like this.
It goes without saying from this that I'm not thrilled to see that this is how Nintendo nerfs my weapon. Neither of these changes are the end of the world, and I guess for that I should be happy, but for how good of a job Nintendo's done nerfing Stamper I can't help but feel a bit disappointed with this. I still have more to say though since I didn't talk as much about the two nerfs they ended up going with.I feel like [a painting nerf] evades the issue people have with this weapon while only serving to make it fit onto less comps. We don't have a lot of weapons in this game that exist to round out comps as is and I don't like the idea of removing that, plus a big part of the Splatana class as a whole is how flexible they are.
So...they buffed two Shooters last time, one of which was incredibly strong then and still is now, for the sake of buffing other Shooters now, none of which needed it except for Splattershot Pro. Unless they plan on expanding upon this even more then the changes both last patch and this time around were largely useless. Great.This update focuses on making changes to multiplayer balance.
Upon analyzing the battle data since releasing the last update and considering weapons’ relationships to the weapons for which we improved performance last time, we have slightly extended the flight distance of shots for some weapons with shorter shot flight distances than those we improved last time, and made changes to strengthen the traits of or compensate for the weaknesses of some weapons with shot flight distances similar to those we previously improved.
I...what????Regarding the Snipewriter 5H, Snipewriter 5B, Mint Decavitator, and Charcoal Decavitator, we made changes to slightly reduce the ability to maintain ink from a distance to give opponents wielding weapons with shorter shot flight distances more time to counter.
The first part is a bit concerning at a glance. Gives the idea that their intention for the special is to completely ignore opposing counterplay if the Trizooka user "uses it well." However, I can't imagine this to completely be the case. They did give us that small startup nerf a while ago and you could argue the damage reduction back to 35 has a similar effect too in making counterplay a bit more effective. Otherwise...yeah, that's a reasonable thing to want to nerf about Trizooka since I can't imagine that dynamic for it is healthy. It's not the community's biggest problem with the special but their logic is pretty sound here.For the Trizooka, we have maintained its trait as a special weapon capable of turning the tables if used well, while simultaneously making it easier to counter by shortening the time that players on the opposing team must be wary of the Trizooka and reducing cases where such players are defeated due to accumulated damage despite taking evasive actions. don't have less paint? your shots are more accurate, that's entirely different. I'm not sure where you're getting this from.Nova buffs? BIG SWIG BUFFS??? best patch ever
(also what are they doing to nzap. is that a nerf? you have less paint but you also strafe faster so not sure what the overall affect would be)