Recent content by Mitchala

  1. Mitchala

    Turf War with Friends!!

    Turf War with Friends!!
  2. Mitchala

    Am I doing this right? I sure hope so. Anyway, it's my welcome post

    Ah thanks man, still spooped tho! haha thanks for the welcome!! And yeah, going head to head with LV 50's is hard mannn hardddddd.
  3. Mitchala

    Am I doing this right? I sure hope so. Anyway, it's my welcome post

    Hello! I'm Mitchala, but just call me Mitch. I've should of been playing Splatoon since last November, but with bad internet, moving house and all sorts of other junk, I haven't been able to. Now, with 8 days to go, I've been able to play again! I main the Krak-on Roller and .52 Gal Deco. I'm...
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