Recent content by PiyozR

  1. PiyozR

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    Caught me at a good time. No conjugation and no declensions/number/gender. As was stated before, I wanted to have grammatical gender in Inkling apply not to male/female but to different species. For example, Inklings are one gender, Octolings another and the wide range of sea creatures seen in...
  2. PiyozR

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    The next portion of the Inkling lesson involved discussing age. On the board I arranged a bunch of numbers in the Inkling writing system. I modeled and drilled the pronunciation of zero through ten, eleven through twenty, and twenty to twenty-nine. I then wrote down the year that I was born, and...
  3. PiyozR

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    I'd be happy to explain it but I don't have permission to view the document. Or the ability to edit the PDF. I'm going to attach the photos from my Inkling immersion lesson this week! The lesson plan went as follows: After introducing the language of Inkling while only speaking Inkling, I...
  4. PiyozR

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    Dunno, man. Everything looks fine to me. Attached is a photo of the new Inkling syllabary which will be taught this Thursday at my annual teacher's forum! My lesson plan is simple: 1) Introduce myself and this language (entirely in Inkling) 2) Model and elicit pronunciation and responses for...
  5. PiyozR

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    My company is honest-to-goodness going to pay me to teach Inkling to other teachers/corporate brass/miscellaneous workers for an entire day next month. A key factor is that I have to teach the entire session (ten to fifteen minutes) entirely in Inkling. No English. And somewhere in there I'm...
  6. PiyozR

    Inkling Fan Language Sister Project: Octoling Language

    Happy to see some lights on in the workshop here. Keep in mind that if Inkling and Octoling languages are meant to be mutually intelligible to whatever extent, the divisions in those societies would isolate the two languages only very recently. Since it's explained that Inkling and Octoling...
  7. PiyozR

    si kediho! Glad to see someone so interested in the conlang! Have you checked out the Inkopolis...

    si kediho! Glad to see someone so interested in the conlang! Have you checked out the Inkopolis University videos on YouTube?
  8. PiyozR


    Yeah, we made a language. The real guide is here now.
  9. PiyozR

    Express your emotions 2: Emotion harder

    I decided to stop by the forums for the first time in months, may as well share something. Since the last time I was active here, I moved to another country for full-time work. I also found a girlfriend. Both firsts! Work is cool but the hours are killer. I appreciate the opportunity but I'm...
  10. PiyozR

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    "Remember Me" from Disney/Pixar's Coco written by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez [ENGLISH] {MUYOBOI} -Remember me {že pafu i} -Though I have to say good-bye {heideso i bie hanu} -Remember me {že pafu i} -Don't let it make you cry {žo gapie ŧunu} -For even if I'm far away {deso i fiše...
  11. PiyozR

    Ah. I can't do Melee to save my life. I just down smash or nair as Peach. Our scene is small...

    Ah. I can't do Melee to save my life. I just down smash or nair as Peach. Our scene is small enough that we only have about twenty five or so regulars, if that. We mainly drink and quote Star Fox 64 all night.
  12. PiyozR

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    Well, I believe that Nintendo themselves stated that Splatoon happens twelve thousand years in the future from now. Not that I doubt that MOBAs will still be around in several millenia. MOBAs will outlive mankind, no question. I just feel odd about making lots of details about the Splatoon...
  13. PiyozR

    I do some competitive Smash. I mean Lucas with a pocket Peach. I'm one of the lowest-ranking...

    I do some competitive Smash. I mean Lucas with a pocket Peach. I'm one of the lowest-ranking regulars in my local scene. You said you Smash, too?
  14. PiyozR

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    @EclipseMT Doesn't the Splatoon universe take place twelve thousand years in the future? What does Inkling life and language have to do with MOBAs? @Strategic Sorry for not seeing your post, dude. I am not going to make any more videos. Sorry. Full time job + hour long commute + competitive...
  15. PiyozR

    That's not a mistake. The notation can spell it as one word or as two. Since "hello" means "I...

    That's not a mistake. The notation can spell it as one word or as two. Since "hello" means "I rise", it's pretty much the same thing. Sorry about the late reply. I don't get the chance to visit this place very much at all anymore. I'm happy to see that you're interested in the conlang. Any...
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