Recent content by roboscout

  1. roboscout

    id like to ask, being a new member what's the benefit from being here rather then discord / reddit

    Discord is decentralized. There's hundreds of different servers and you can't easily reference past information. Reddit could theoretically work, but the current subreddit is dominated by art and clips, without much discussion. You'd likely need to create a new subreddit entirely.
  2. roboscout

    A serious discussion on the Clash Blaster

    Clash is good at stomping newer players, due to it's extremely large aoe being able to mitigate worse aim. But the better you get, the more it's molasses TTS is going to matter.
  3. roboscout


    I don't think you need to attach hard numbers to it, balance is almost never about hard thresholds triggering automatic changes. and even if it was, I don't think the devs would immediately look to changing snipe's kit, considering as you said, every cooler weapon was bad at that point. From a...
  4. roboscout


    maybe, but whatever the source of the decision on static kits is, it needs to be addressed. Because it has caused a lot of issues over the course of the series.
  5. roboscout


    I think that the devs need to be willing to change kits post launch. Balance is a very difficult task, and I don't think it's unreasonable that the devs make mistakes during the initial reveal of kits. That's why we have balance patches. Because balance is often a task best performed through...
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