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wiper deco was the first weapon added post-launch to have missiles. out of a total of. two. i actually don't think i realized until now how few weapons actually have missiles lol
usually when i make people try splatoon i equip jr and have them play a round or two of turf war. i've done this twice and the result has been interest, but then never actually getting the game, both times
taking a million bajillion screenshots of the festival itself/idols performing/etc is just the objectively correct way to approach splatfests. congratulations on celebrating grandfest correctly
if vdualies and tetras were both cruelly torn away from me i would enter my (v)dapples era. and @Masked_Katz would just have to put up with it
legitimately i do dream of being a strong enough player to push vdapples as far as i can in a comp setting. i don’t think it’ll ever happen but it’s a...