Recent content by Shun_one

  1. Shun_one

    The Funny Moments Thread

    You that moment, when you and an enemy squid cross paths unexpectedly and you both frantically try to turn around and shoot each other? That happened to me while I was using an E Litre. A blaster swam by me and we both panicked and shot at each other to the point where we both ran out of ink and...
  2. Shun_one

    The Bragging Thread

    I'm still alive and playing this game. Two stories, both from the same rotation. I was Twin Squadding with a friend of mine who plays Octo Brush. Kelp Zones: We were in mid trying to get the zone back, me with an E Litre. We were retreating, but a Kraken takes me out then moves on to try and...
  3. Shun_one

    "I can't believe I just ________..." - The stupid moment thread

    When you're using an E Litre scope, and you're on the edge of a platform, and you say "I just need a bit more range..." then step up...and fall off the cliff. While your team mate was watching you. ;~;7
  4. Shun_one

    Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced

    So, Damage Up is a decent build for it. Ink Saver (Main) is pretty much not needed as it's pretty good with ink-efficiency on the main weapon. Ink Recovery Up is a good one and so is Ink Resistance. It's not a bad idea to have Swim Speed for speedy escapes or even Run Speed so you can maintain...
  5. Shun_one

    Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced

    They only needed to either increase the velocity of the shots by a few frames or reduce the time in-between shots and it'd have been a lot better, IMO. The core weapons main problem is that, especially at higher levels of play, everyone moves too fast for you to connect all 3 shots. Which sucks...
  6. Shun_one

    The Bragging Thread

    I channeled my inner E Litre once again. Had a good match in squads with some pals at Ancho V and thought I did pretty decent. 17 - 4 is a little better than decent. Don't think I've ever gotten that many splats with an E Litre (or anything) before. My E Litre practice shall continue till I...
  7. Shun_one

    Voice Chat

    Nice. You should post the Instant Invite link for everyone to join up who doesn't already have it.
  8. Shun_one

    Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced

    @Lonely_Dolphin I haven't used Walls much. I used to play 52 a long time ago, but that was super long while ago. Didn't think Walls suited my play-style enough at the time. I also think, with the Cherry's kit, H3 is never getting a buff ever now. @Ansible - Yay! More people trying H3 out.
  9. Shun_one

    Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced

    I can see where you're coming from better now, yeah. Part of my reluctance with it is yeah, I don't like Walls utility terribly much when I could do the same thing with the other kits anyway. But, that's me and I've put way too much time into these. I think it's a good kit, yeah, but for me I...
  10. Shun_one

    Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced

    I think this is one of Cherry's strengths, indeed. It makes leading pushes easier for an H3, but I think the other two can also do this, just not as well or consistent. I definitely see where you're coming from with pushes and that's a great point. For me, I'm able to do that with the other 2...
  11. Shun_one

    Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced

    @Award - It is exactly that. The Cherry's Wall isn't as required to help H3 at all. The weapon was made to go out and murder people, and you don't do that by hiding behind a wall. The wall is a distraction or a tool to aid your team mates. It's just another tool to block approaches so you can...
  12. Shun_one

    Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced

    This is good. We should squad at some point in time (this offer goes to you guys who know me too). @MeTaGross Probably just a spot of bad luck. I'd stop for a 10 minute or so break then try again and see if you have better luck, because testing these out in Turf or Squads is definitely the...
  13. Shun_one

    Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced

    I have indeed. Were we in the same match?!
  14. Shun_one

    Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced

    Now that I've had a bit more time with it, I'll definitely still keep the other two H3's in my rotation and switch based on Stage/Mode Rotation.
  15. Shun_one

    Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced

    They are out. Go try the things. Cherry let's you not die instantly in some situations and is pretty good for team support. Tossed a wall in front of my friend to save him, then inked him a path out. Feels good, man.
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