Recent content by Tikus93

  1. Tikus93

    Request for .52 Gal Advice/Tips on Ranked Modes

    Hey, everyone. I've decided to pick the .52 Gal (regular, not the deco because splash wall > seeker, imo) as one of my main weapons but ever since I entered S rank (solo queue, tqvm) I haven't been having much luck with it. I'm either being carried by my team (feels that way from the K/D ratio)...
  2. Tikus93

    Hail from U of M!

    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!
  3. Tikus93

    Hail from U of M!

    Thanks, @Elibbabeth! I don't fancy myself a fantastic player but I do what I can to support my team! Also, booo, OSU (I ironically type this as I wear a shirt with 'OSU' on it, for Oregon State U). Anyways, just keep practicing and you'll rise through the ranks soon!
  4. Tikus93

    Hail from U of M!

    Hey, everyone! I've been lurking around squidboards for the past few weeks now and thought that I'd make my first post here! Been addicted to Splatoon ever since it was released and like most other games I've played, I've been doing my best to improve my skills (I guess some of my TF2 skills...
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