Recent content by Vidknight

  1. Vidknight

    Also spent a embarrassing amount of time trying to have an image only to find out that images...

    Also spent a embarrassing amount of time trying to have an image only to find out that images link count towards the character limit so I gave up
  2. Vidknight

    Just played painbrush, and my first impressions can be summed up with my pfp. I might be dumb...

    Just played painbrush, and my first impressions can be summed up with my pfp. I might be dumb, but it seems that the 2 frame swing buff doesn't just affect its swing it affects everything. The windup, the endlag, swinging the weapon, going into swim form, ETC. Of course two series wins isn't...
  3. Vidknight

    Is Riley your teammate or somethin?

    Is Riley your teammate or somethin?
  4. Vidknight

    New Patch??

    I couldn't sleep so I woke up, hoped on squidboards, and saw patch notes, what a blessed day, or night... whatever posting thoughts only for stuff I have something to say. Nova is a big change that I'm surprised it took this long to happen. I mean nova won't become good by any means it still...
  5. Vidknight

    MODS! Ban this man ^ wait a second...

    MODS! Ban this man ^ wait a second...
  6. Vidknight

    Quit your job, and become a full time sploon player :cool:

    Quit your job, and become a full time sploon player :cool:
  7. Vidknight


  8. Vidknight

    Getting hit is absolutely terrifying, that must of been scary for you. On the bright side at...

    Getting hit is absolutely terrifying, that must of been scary for you. On the bright side at least it was your bike that got done in, and not you.
  9. Vidknight

    Your Dream Kits (YouTube)

    Already explained my kit choices in the other kit thread. but for a quick recap. S-blast 83 has torp for combos, poke, and location, with jet for continuation. Annaki Roller has fizzy for movement, and TSD to make it an even deadlier sharking weapon.
  10. Vidknight

    Squidboards Dream Kits Thread (again)

    Alright originally I was going to do perfect kits, but Roller already has a perfect kit, and my dream kit for s-blast is also in my opinion it's perfect one so yea we're doing dream instead. Also no lengthy explanations as I feel it's mostly self explanatory Curling is the best sub that...
  11. Vidknight

    Just watched chara vid about weapons perfect kits. Out of all the classes roller is the only...

    Just watched chara vid about weapons perfect kits. Out of all the classes roller is the only weapon class where the majority of the weapons already had a perfect kit. Common roller W
  12. Vidknight

    General challenge thread

    Ok this is going to hopefully be quick. Next challenge up is "Curlign Hurl" I actually played this challenge before, and it was fun it's so chaotic with all the curlings around the map that insta kills you. The maps are fine, scorch gorge I have no problems the spawn region might make it a bit...
  13. Vidknight

    What If Kits Were Changed Midway Instead Of Stagnating?

    Cutting stuff from the game will always result in some people not being too happy it's unavoidable. When you have a large playerbase satisfying everyone is a impossible task that nobody can accomplish With that being said you still can cut stuff it just depends on how many people will miss...
  14. Vidknight

    Goofy ads on squidboards!

    Damn OTH fell off so hard that Pearl had to become an AI just to make ends meet. Also simple is a pretty good adjective for her
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