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  • this may or may not be a dumb question, but does storm_surge ring a bell? i felt like asking because of your own username lol
    Yes, I'm me.
    oh nice, ive seen those videos
    Hello Warchamp7,
    As the owner of a group, is there anyway I can delete or pin threads and send mass alerts to the members of my group with more than 26 characters? If so, how? Your help would be most appreciated!
    I have a quick question, is there a way that I can remove forums in my own group. I am the main group owner of the Inkrush Brushers and I am getting clutter from non-members. I was wondering if there is any extra options that group owners have in their own group forums.
    can you help me ? I have a problem with the group system I just promote one of my members to a staff aswell but they can edit or get acess to the admin rights for the group.
    Btw, what's supposed to happen when you link your Smashboards account to your Squidboards account?
    Just provides an easier way to login
    Oh ok, cool.

    Also, what's with some people saying they have joined from 2013, 2012, 2008, etc?
    I made a thread about terms and what the themes our community should use and as a option I put sexual personally I think that was a mistake and would like you to restart the poll, it is called
    Official "term" Thread! please help just restart it with sexual out and the other choices in, thanks.
    Hey Warchamp! I have a question about spoiler tags. Can they only hold so much information? because on the Compilation of all known Weapons and attributes thread, Spoilers seem to split in half automatically (even though I do not code it that way). Is it just a bug, and is there another alternative that may be better to conserve space rather than spoiler tags?
    Captain Norris
    Captain Norris
    hmm okay. I will try and redo it all then. Like I do a spoiler in a spoiler, which works before I post it, but when I post it, it essentially splits the spoiler in half, creating two different spoilers. It was getting kinda annoying, so I didn't know if there was a better alternative or not. Thanks though! :)
    if you haven't figured it out yet, it's messy bbcode on your end. click bbcode editor on top right of post box and make your tags neater. it's cuz you used a bunch of bold, font and color tags and they conflict with the spoilers
    Captain Norris
    Captain Norris
    Thanks bellebound! I ended up formatting everything to work from the ground up. Loads of help.
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