Recent content by Ying Zhang

  1. Ying Zhang

    NNIDs and Skype

    NNID: nerdception skype: deity1248
  2. Ying Zhang

    Inkoming Weapon: Sloshing Machine!

    I personally do enjoy it, though I am still a bit sad with the lack of power cause it still requires two shots. The arc is more defined so its definitely great for obstacle maps like Mahi-Mahi resort and the such.
  3. Ying Zhang

    Hello hello hello~~~

    Wow I haven't done an online forum in dayssss. Err the name is Ying (y is silent). I'm 24 and I'm legit squid trash. I favorite about 4-5 different weapons and trying to having to be able to main at least one weapon for each category. Around B+ rank and fluctuate to the A-. I mostly main with...
  4. Ying Zhang

    Logo Brainstorm

    Honestly...maybe show the various squids holding a type of weapon?
  5. Ying Zhang

    The hella gay squid over here.

    The hella gay squid over here.
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