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Woke up to another Kanye album this morning. Did not expect him to sample One Beer but why did he drop it as a short film of a kid hitting people with an ultra stamp for 45 mins??
I don't wanna leave Big Man because with Frye I'll lose ah hell nah :(
But I go out my way to get 8 hours 15 mins of sleep every night (which is apparently a lot). Anything less than that and brain feels like it's liquid and I have no energy.
The other day played open for an hour and only won one game, but then yesterday I got an insane streak and only lost like two games. The same people who kicked my *** the other day were getting their ***** kicked by me. Idk how it can turn over so quickly like that (most of the time I was changing teams every game).
I think I already ran out of ideas for stupid things to post here like I burnt through all my matches in 3 months but uuh I did this thing a few days ago:
Earlier today when I was cycling home from school on my hybrid bike a car hit me and I had to ride home without breaks because the it was pretty smashed up and the breaks stopped working