
Oh yes. MK* via the Mario kart TV feature. you can rewind slow and pause replays too. Neat feature for Splatoon.
I'd love to be able to save the replays, similar to Smash, but actually edit them in certain ways, basically like the MKTV feature but you're just able to save as many replays as you can fit on your system. If I recall, you could only save so many at a time in MKTV, while your previous matches were stores but would eventually be replaced by more recent ones?
Oh idk. I don't have a Wii U. I know you can have duplicates in Smash and they don't get rewritten.
Oh you don't have one? :( Will you be getting one for Splatoon in the end then, or just playing on someone else's?
Neither. i don't have a job nor money to buy one and I don't have any friends who favor Nintendo consoles. My most advanced console is a Nintendo Gamecube. I got my 2DS on the same day Pokemon XY came out on 2013. So I pretty much have missed a good chunk of gaming from 2003 to 2013 or a decade of gaming lost. Being poor is really sad.
Oh gosh I see. That really does suck. I feel really bad about this now. I guess you're just hoping you can still enjoy the community around here and have a good time anyway? If I had enough money, I'd get you a Wii U with Splatoon.

Makes me sad knowing someone in this community that simply can't the game. :(
That is what I plan, to help in the community and set Squads as a way for everyone to have fun from withing the community even If I can't. There is a post I believe in a private conversation or on Squads, were I did say i'd be hard for me to keep up with the stuff since I don't have the game to experience it. But I hope I can still provide the community something even if as a voice only. Thank you for your concern.
I'm sure you'll be able to. You've done a good job so far, that's for sure! And I'm sure a couple of people can give you a hand if there are a couple of things you don't quite understand from the game.

I'm looking forward to the tournaments and whatnot that people can set up. You've already proven you've got the skills to get things like this going. :)
I also without noticing came to the conclusion I cannot form a squad to lead nor be part of one since I won't play. I hope Flying Tortoise can lead my Squad, Inkazooka Squad, the very first Squad formed as much as I wanted to.
Surely you could recruit a few other people. As I said, you've got the skills to organise people so I'm sure they'd value you as their leader.
They have exactly said that. I'm really happy I have them in my Squad. I just need for them to have a Captain that can battle and accompany them to the turf of the battlefield and physically be there to aid them. That's all i want for them. But I appreciate their loyalty and friendship. I could not ask for more.
Well there you go! I'm sure things may change in the future. Perhaps you will end up getting the game at some point. If not, keep the small community strong and keep the friendships together. To me, I think that's what I want most out of the Squad I'm in. The moment I'm not having fun amongst the people there, that's when I know it's not good, but so far it's great chatting to people even without the game yet.
I love chatting too. I'm always busy doing something but I leave messages on our conversation whenever I can. It's a real nice team we have same as the one i'm in on Smashboards they are also my family. I want to get close to my Squad too.
Yeah, I can tell. I haven't really been a part of any teams for basically anything for such a long time, so it's nice chatting with people in and outside of a team on here. I think that's why I'm enjoying it here. Everyone seems so friendly. I'm hoping you don't give up on your Squad because you seem cool to me and you'll be a good leader, even without playing.
No I'll just step down leadership on battle but I will be with them as much as possible. Seems we have a conversation here in comment form. How unexpected.
Well you know, either here or in the actual conversation/PM section... which I suppose we can do if you'd rather it be there. No character limit that way.

Why not stay as the leader, but have a co-leader or something who deals with game strategies? That way you can stay but the team doesn't lose anything. :)
Oh no it's ok. I just find it unexpected we have it here that's all. I though of that. Really the co captain's function is to lead when the leader is not present. Hadn't really visualized that. Good point.
Alrighty then! And well, you could have a "Battle Captain" or something like that. They can make the tactics or whatever they need to do, but you can still organise everyone and be the overall leader. In the end it's all up to you, but I don't think you should give up on it. :)
I appointed Tortoise as co captain and to follow his order in battle but I still am the captain outside of battle. I think it works great. I don't wanna leave my Squidlings so I'm staying.
Haha, that's great to hear. :D I'm glad you came to a decision on it. It's pretty inspiring to see you stay on as their captain, even though you won't have the game any time soon. I hope you guys all get along and crush other squads. Except for the one I'm in, of course... ;)
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