30 facts about me; I got bored. (50; 20 more were added with the magic of editing) :- D


Inkster Jr.
Apr 11, 2016
I got bored, I decided to make a thread giving you guys 30 (50) facts about me! These are gaming related and life related, btw. Here you go:

1. In my family, I am the youngest of three kids, I am thirteen, while my older brother is eighteen and my sister is fifteen.
2. I have a pet dog who is tiny but overweighted.
3. I sold my DS Lite to buy Kirby Triple Deluxe.
4. I regret the decision I mentioned above.
5. My number one role model (who is a person) is my older brother.
6. I am very good at spelling, but I've never competed in a spelling bee or competition.
7. I am in seventh grade, going into eighth.
8. I am 5 feet tall and about 88-92 pounds
9. I live in the USA.
10. I've never moved houses.
11. When I was in third grade, I thought that the words "ghetto" and "legit" meant "cool."
12. I am a huge fan of Nintendo.
13. Speaking of the fact above, I lost most of my friends in fourth and fifth grade because I dissed CoD and Minecraft, claiming that Mario, Sonic, and Pokémon were better.
14. I wore a Mario hat to school one time, and a girl who was actually my crush at the time told me it was stupid and that it probably costs 10 cents.
15. I've never had detention in school.
16. I had a poster of the game Sonic Lost World before I even owned the game.
17. I have a bad habit of getting stuck on specific stages in certain video games and giving up for a long time before I actually come back and complete it.
18. I'm double jointed in my thumbs, shoulders, and specific parts of my hand.
19. I hate watching television.
20. Despite this, I got bored and marathoned Phineas and Ferb on Netflix one time.
21. I'm usually the person in my group of friends who is very bad at sports, but knows more about gaming than the rest of the group.
22. The only sports I really like are Soccer and Taekwondo.
23. My favorite animals are Manatees and Beluga Whales.
24. My least favorite animals are Tarantulas, because they are my biggest fears.
25. My favorite video game of all time is The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
26. Other favorites include Animal Crossing New Leaf, Splatoon, and Pikmin 3.
27. I want to be a let's player on Youtube, but I think I won't get any views or anything because of low quality gameplay, (no capture card) and my young age will turn many people away.
28. My favorite drink is Root Beer, but I do not have a favorite food.
29. My counselors once mentioned that I have ADHD like symptoms (I have to take medicine for anxiety, anger issues and focusing better) but my parents claim it is no big deal... and to this day I do not know if I ADHD or not.
31. My favorite color is blue
32. My favorite season is Winter
33. I have a deformity in my chest, but I never noticed it until I was 12 when a doctor pointed it out to me. However, this deformity isn't that bad, and even though there isn't anything that can be done about it, nothing really needs to be done about it.
34. My favorite 2D Mario game is New Super Mario Bros. U, but my least favorite in New Super Mario Bros. 2.
35. One of the worst games of all time in my opinion is Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival.
36. I own 2 Rubik's cubes and a speed cube but I can't solve them.
37. I stopped buying games from GameStop because of the stickers they put on game boxes. They bother me since I can't take them off without the boxes having these bad sticky parts to them...
38. My mom is very strict and will not let me buy T rated games like Earthbound, even though I can legally buy them myself.
39. I own some Nike hightops that I never wear. I have probably worn them less that 10 or 15 times. I don't know why I even got them.
40. A girl wrote the following message in my yearbook in fifth grade: "I'm so glad I don't have to see you for three months! I HATE U!!!" Two years later, and we're good friends.
41. I like school a lot, despite all of the bad and embarrassing moments I've had there.
42. My favorite subject in school is History.
43. My second favorite subjects are Math/Science even though I'm bad at math.
44. In sixth grade, I had all advanced classes besides Math. They paired up the classes (math/science and ela/history) so when they recommended me for 7th grade classes, they had to put me in regular Science AND Math instead of advanced everything other than math. Because of this, I was able to score an 100% average in Science for the first quarter
45. My science teacher stopped calling on me to answer questions about halfway through the year, even when I was the only one who knew an answer or was even raising their hand at all. She said I raised my hand too much, yet she calls on certain other kids all the time.
46. My favorite Pokémon is a tie between Greninja and Sylveon, but Greninja comes out on top if I must pick one.
47. I love Resetti from Animal Crossing, even though everyone else seems to hate him.
48. I own two plush toys of Mudkip but I don't like him that much compared to many other Pokémon.
49. My favorite YouTuber is Chuggaaconroy, with nigahiga close behind.
50. Facts 31-50 were edited in after the first thirty.

Yeah this is fifty now. Misleading titles, yay!
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Inkster Jr.
May 20, 2016
Good on ya, kid, for standing up for Nintendo amongst the CoD groupies! Sorry you lost friends over it, though.


Inkster Jr.
Apr 11, 2016
Good on ya, kid, for standing up for Nintendo amongst the CoD groupies! Sorry you lost friends over it, though.
To be completely honest, while many were kind of long gone, I still have some of those friends. We're over it by now, but sadly, a few buddies still don't take me seriously when I mention the Wii U.


Inkster Jr.
May 20, 2016
Yeah, unfortunately a lot of people think that Nintendo is for little kids just because most of their games aren't that violent or complicated. But they really don't need to be either of those things in order to be fun!

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