Do many people use the .52 Gal Deco when it comes to competitive ranked?
It fast became my favourite weapon when I started getting more serious about my rank and playing ranked a lot more often. I’ve seen a lot of the regular .52 gal online (with the splash wall and killer wail), but not so much of the deco (with seekers and inkstrike). I get why a lot of people chose the regular – but just wondered what everyone’s thoughts were on the deco.
I mostly enjoy it for the seekers. They’re not something I rely on for taking out opponents, but they’re great for creating pathways (especially in rainmaker) or slightly deterring opponents, making them move away from certain pathways.
I’ve used the regular .52 on a couple occasions, but I always come back to the deco
What’s everyone’s thoughts on it?
the gear I use with it is:
HEAD: Paisley Bandanna



Although I'm likely to change my headgear to this once I have it ready

It fast became my favourite weapon when I started getting more serious about my rank and playing ranked a lot more often. I’ve seen a lot of the regular .52 gal online (with the splash wall and killer wail), but not so much of the deco (with seekers and inkstrike). I get why a lot of people chose the regular – but just wondered what everyone’s thoughts were on the deco.
I mostly enjoy it for the seekers. They’re not something I rely on for taking out opponents, but they’re great for creating pathways (especially in rainmaker) or slightly deterring opponents, making them move away from certain pathways.
I’ve used the regular .52 on a couple occasions, but I always come back to the deco
What’s everyone’s thoughts on it?
the gear I use with it is:
HEAD: Paisley Bandanna
Although I'm likely to change my headgear to this once I have it ready