A Glitch in the Digital Realm (Character Sheets)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I had this idea to create another RP, this one taking place in the Memverse. Here's the premise of the story:
You or someone you know has been Sanitized, the Memverse, an app that Marina herself has developed received many updates since its official release, adding more variety of possible floors to the Spire of Order depending on who ascends it as well as giving the floors clear names.

However, a glitch in the system has been discovered, no one knows where this glitch came from, but it's a dangerous glitch that can destabilize the entire Memverse and forcefully change those who are ascending the Spire of Order. Will you find the origin of the glitch and put a stop to it before it causes too much damage?

Here's a base of the character sheet that you can copy, and then use to register your character or characters for the RP. My next post will be my own character sheet.




Ink Color(s):

Eye color(s):



What happened before getting to the Memverse:


Who was Sanitized:
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Name(s): Coral, Clam

Species: Octoling (Coral), Octotrooper (Clam)

Gender(s): Male

Ink Color(s): Yellow

Eye color(s): Green (Coral), formerly brown but now it's blue (Clam)

Age(s): 14 (Coral), 16 (Clam)

Appearance(s): Coral has two of his tentacles tied just like the Topknot hairstyle while his two other tentacles lay on top of his head while spreading out to both sides. While he typically wears a White Anchor Tee, black pants with one line on each pant leg matching his ink color, and Zombie Hi-Horses outside of the Memverse, he wears the Order Replica gear due to the nature of the Memverse making the Inkling and Octoling participants wear this specific gear set.

Clam used to be a yellow Octotrooper, but has now changed to a combination of dark blue and bright green due to Sanitization.

What happened before getting to the Memverse: Coral and Clam were sent on a mission by General Anemone to investigate the disappearances of people who were last seen close to the underground railway system built by Kamabo Co., thanks to Octarian search parties, those individuals were found but all of them came back Sanitized, devoid of any individuality that they once had. The two brothers found the source and immediately reported it to General Anemone, but something down there changed Clam, which saddened Coral a lot.

The Octarian hospital was working overtime to de-Sanitize Octarians and all of the de-Sanitization supplies ran out before the doctors could help Clam, so Coral turned to the next best option available to return Clam to normal as soon as possible, the Memverse.

Personality(ies): Coral is normally cheerful in Turf Wars but serious in the missions he's sent to, always eager to participate in Turf Wars and kick the tentacles of criminals. However, he gets sad when he's reminded of the loss of his parents, making him sob if he thinks about them for too long.

Clam is very protective of his brother and is dedicated to making sure Coral continues the family bloodline, sometimes worrying too much, but he also does fun things with his brother on what he can do, like playing video-games and Tableturf Battle. Most of the time, he's happy, but after the mission to find Kamabo Co., all of his personality was lost.

Who was Sanitized: Clam
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Inkling Commander
Mar 12, 2024
Name: Agent 6
Has been Agent 8 before getting sucked in to the Blankverse
Species: Octoling
Gender: F
Ink Color: Red
Eye Color: Red
Age: 23, still throws fits
Since the jeletons knew her from Blanksville, they are practically enemies
Would like to have Pinging Marciale pudding (as confirmed by famitsu interview)
Personality: very amped up and doesn’t know better, often gets comically scolded by Agent 5 due to her twisted ideas (such as ripping the masked parallel canon’s face off and wearing it lmaoooo)
Who was sanitized: her octarainian minions
Here’s a pic:

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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 22, 2024
Inkopolis square
Switch Friend Code
Name(s): John, Bennet

Species: Octo sniper (John), Octoling (Bennet)

Gender(s): male

Ink Color(s): sanitized blue (John), orange (Bennet)

Eye color(s): Green(john) red(Bennet)

Age(s): 19 (Bennet), 25 (John)

Appearance(s): John has been sanitized for a while now, while Bennet has been sanitized and unsanitized keeping the sanitized color for his hair while his ink color goes back to orange

What happened before getting to the Memverse:

Personality(ies): a more mature version of Bennet even though he is not Bennet and has been sanitized since he was 8 years old (John)
(same thing as The Escape from Octo Valley RP minus the getting sanitized and unsanitized part) (Bennet)

Who was Sanitized: both and Bennet was the only one unsanitized


Inkling Cadet
Nov 14, 2023
Name(s): J, Kaiya,

Species: inklings

Gender(s): J is male and Kaiya is female

Ink Color(s): J: pink Kaiya: green

Eye color(s): J blue, Kaiya green

Age(s): 18 for both

Appearance(s): pictures soon? Maybe maybe not

What happened before getting to the Memverse: J and Kaiya lived in inkoplois square doing turf wars. J's family all moved to the splatlands. Kaiya's family d!Ed in the great war.
Personality(ies): J tries to be calm most of the time but sometimes he acts a bit crazy and aggressive. Always trying to act like he's fine. (We know your not fine J) Kaiya is hyper, hyper and more hyper. Usually nice, though some things she says come out rude.

Who was Sanitized: J's step-sister, Olivia (not Olivia from the other role play)

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