Luminaries - the start of a new competitive squad
Our focus is to grow, improve, compete and grow a community
Our Current and Future Plans
- A fun community with great people. Everyone is treated with respect
- Friendly and supportive environment in our Discord server
- Regular practice sessions throughout the week and esp. Weekend
- Our original players will mostly be on everyday to play
- Capture card and Twitch streaming available from our players
- Practicing key communication skills such as callouts
- S+ Rank preferred (S ranks will be considered)
- 15+ years of age
- Must be mature and respectful. Hate is not tolerated
- Have a reliable in-game connection
- Access to Discord, mic and VOIP. You must be able to speak to new people
- Stay positive, and be a team player
- Be active as a teammate, and as a friend in the Discord
- Add the tag to your Mii-name
- Expertise with a weapon/line of weapons
- Available for play discussion and strategy crafting
- Must be able to practice regularly throughout the week
If we like your application and accept you we'll have a tryout period in our Discord
More information on the tryout period will be available soon, it is not just a single play session
With that said, if you're interested - Fill out the form here!
*we will send you a private message in regards to whether you've been accepted, declined, or waiting for tryouts*
*we will send you a private message in regards to whether you've been accepted, declined, or waiting for tryouts*
Meet the Squad:All of our original members are S+50 and above
Check us out at:Discord: luminaries™
Twitter: @Luminaries_
Feel free to drop a reply here if you've applied!
If you have anything to ask us about, head to our Discord
We do not tolerate harassment, racism, sexism, hatespeech of any kind etc. Both existing members and applicants may be kicked with no warning
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