A Solution to Matchmaking Pools


Inkster Jr.
Mar 8, 2016
Massachusetts, USA
As we all know, the map selection process in Splatoon is a unique one, not without its purpose, but long overdue for a change.

The artificial limitation of the map pool to two maps per game mode is a relic of the origins of the game. Almost a year ago now, there were only five maps in the pool to choose from. To avoid incredibly long wait times, traditional map selection was swapped out for a system that put anyone queuing for a multiplayer battle in the same lobby, with the lobby being randomly assigned to play one of the two maps. But we all knew that already.

This system was not without purpose, but now that the game has 12 maps, there is much more room for improvement. Some proposed plans include putting more maps in the rotation at a time, but I believe Nintendo themselves have provided us with an even better one: Mariokart 8.

For those unfamiliar with the track selection system implemented in Mariokart 8, here is a brief overview. All players are placed into the lobby, and select the map they wish to play. The lobby then randomly selects a map from the player created list for the whole lobby to play (the option of random map is also available for players to choose from).

This is an elegant solution to the usually messy problem of map selection. It also combats the "counter-strikey" problem of having one map played almost constantly. Although more popular maps would statistically have a greater chance of being played, the majority does not always win, giving variety.

In Splatoon, this type of map selection would necessitate a change in the order of weapon selection. If the map selection happens in the lobby, players will need to be given time after the map is selected to choose their preferred loadout of weapon and gear.

I am well aware that this system is not perfect either, and could give rise to a whole host of unforeseen problems such as popular maps being played too often, or the question of how to implement gamemode choice into this. Hopefully though, these would be easy to combat. If you suspect or find any problems, or have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to bring them up in the comments (that's what they're there for).

Finally, I will close by acknowledging that yes, change of such magnitude is very unlikely to come about either because of server or software limitations/cost or just the fact that the system in place now is "alright" at worst, but can't a squid dream?

TL;DR: Mariokart 8, bad for competitive play, damn fine at matchmaking.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 10, 2016
I think it would be good to have 3 or 4 maps at a time, but it wouldn't be that bad if it picked new stages every few minutes. For example, you start out with the different games — turf war, ranked, etc. — and pick that, and then it shows you the map and ranked mode available for that time. Next, you would be able to pick your weapon/gear, and then you would be put in a lobby. This would not be perfect, but I think it could work fairly well. A similar alternative would be almost the same, but the different lobbies change from time to time so that you don't have to worry about waiting for too long. The weapons problem wouldn't be any worse, as I had a lobby with a hydra splatling and 5 chargers earlier today.

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